Finally some progress


New member
Jun 9, 2018
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Warsaw, Poland
Two quackers
One Red bellied green cheeked conure (i don't know how are they called in English...), two male budgies
I came to just brag a bit. Some time ago, I posted here worried about my parrot being aggressive and always angry.

After making sure he's healthy, we just decided to leave him be- not force him to anything and let him decide what he wants.

For a week now, Akai sits on the shoulder and cuddles into the hair and cheek. Still won't let anyone touch him, but happily takes naps like that and makes his happy crunching noises from time to time.

It took three years of having him at home to finally get some affection from him but it just makes me happy. Let's hope he lets us touch him so we can help him with molting from now on :01:
That is awesome - it’s lovely when they decide that you are a happy place to be!
That is so awesome. The little steps are so rewarding. I’ve only had Blake for a week but from day 1 I haven’t forced him to do anything and now he has to be with me when I’m around. He is only 8 months but at any age their affection can’t be matched.
Yay! Patience is so worth it and clearly you have it (that's what they need ) :) I am very happy for you and glad for the update!
Help him with his molting!?

The pin feathers that they cannot reach themselves..The sheaths have to come off of them as the blood supply recedes.
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