Finally-he stepped up


New member
Jun 26, 2018
South Carolina
Quaker Parrot
For the past 2 1/2 months I have been trying to get Jack , my rescue to step up. He resisted very strongly. Yesterday, as usual I put my fingers under his belly and he stepped up on them. Did I mention that it was inside the cage. He will still resist a little but will finally do it. Hooray! However, he has stopped talking and I hope that comes back. I have a theory, that he talked alot when he was nervous. now just peeps, says Hello once in awhile, but also no screaming. I changed him over to pellets 3 days ago and I believe that has made some difference, even in behavior.

SLOW-MOTION doesn't even begin to describe parrot speed :)
Nice work! Congrats!
For the past 2 1/2 months I have been trying to get Jack , my rescue to step up. He resisted very strongly. Yesterday, as usual I put my fingers under his belly and he stepped up on them. Did I mention that it was inside the cage. He will still resist a little but will finally do it. Hooray! However, he has stopped talking and I hope that comes back. I have a theory, that he talked alot when he was nervous. now just peeps, says Hello once in awhile, but also no screaming. I changed him over to pellets 3 days ago and I believe that has made some difference, even in behavior.
Consuela came home with me the day she turned 3mos old(27 June, 2018). Two weeks later we started working on "Step up?". All she did was look at me like I was stupid (sigh!). Target stick/clicker method? Myeh.
She wants to be close to me and really enjoys giving and getting kisses. So using behaviors she enjoys, I picked her up, put her on my finger, steadied her, and raised her up, eye to eye, nose to beak, and laid on the kisses and praise. I'm not advocating such methods. For Consuela, this worked.
Never give up. Always be kind and gentle. Reward any progress. QPs are like 4yr old children. They are amazingly intellegent.

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Congrats!! \o/
Great job! Mines a big talker in the cage, when hanging with me not so much.

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