Finally finished cage repairs...


New member
Jul 13, 2011
M2's, U2's, G2's, RB2's, VOS, RLA's, BFA's, DYHA's, Dusky Pionus, Blue and Green Quakers, Meyers Parrots, VOS, GW Macaw's, Harlequin Macaws, Tiels, YNA, TAG's, CAG's, Blue Crown Conures, Red sided Ecl
I had a huge powder coated cage that was in my house during the fire.... Half the powder coating bubbled and burnt, it sat outside for a year after and rusted, and I just couldn't bring myself to throw it out. I threw out a lot of cages and aviaries after the fire, but I kept wondering if I could save it. Well, after 3 months of tinkering, sandblasting, sanding, scraping, and painting it's finally ready to be used! I bought new hardware, casters, and caster spacers and will be putting it back together tomorrow. I took it down to bare metal and re did the whole thing.... it looks better than it did before and I am so pleased! It's 7' high by 5' wide and 3' deep. It's now like new and I am glad to finally be done with it! Now I will put it in storage and keep it as a just in case cage.
We need pictures! What color did you make it?
Congrats, I wish I had the equipment to do something like that. My cage is showing rust stains around the bars. I'm hoping a power washer will bring them out.
Shreddedoak - 'just in case' what? You got plans you havent told us all about? Is the MBS itching? LOL
If I had a 'just in case' cage, it would have a little feathery thingy in there, I wouldnt be able to resist, how can you have a beautiful EMPTY cage. My spare is a flight cage only - for vets, travel etc and wouldnt keep a bird in it permanently, I am safe for now, MBS under control this week.
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I get a lot of rehab birds here, so I have about 14 empty cages in the cellar, 11 empties in the aviary, 4 at my friends house, and 9 in my house. Before I set our birds up in flights in the aviary we had 36 birds in cages. So,I kept the cages and use them for rehabs or babies, etc... I'll get some photos after I get home.

I have MHS this week. I am looking at buying another Shire horse so I can have a perfectly matched driving team.... The baby version of the one I have now :) They are brothers.... 4 whites and a blaze... perfect.
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Oh, I love the baby shire, I want to come over and squeeeeeeeze him!!!!
Shreddedoak - WOW, you must be so busy, but happy, knowing you are helping so many birdys
Jen, please dont squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze the poor little horse, he is so tiny, u might hurt him. LOL . Must admit tho, he is very sweet, I wouldnt mind giving him a pat.

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