Figured I should introduce myself


New member
Nov 8, 2012
Luna - Meyer's Parrot
Pandora - African Grey
Io - Ducorps Cockatoo
Well, I've made a few posts, but never actually introduced myself, so...

I'm from the UK (originally from Sweden, so English isn't my native language - figured I should mention that before I say something by accident that sounds completely off or rude, lol).

We've got three parrots. Luna the Meyer's Parrot, Pandora the African Grey, and Io the Ducorps cockatoo. Luna and Pandora we got as babies, Io came to us when he was probably about 7 years old, we're not sure as the previous owners didn't know.

Luna is the most charming little parrot you can imagine, she wraps everyone she meets around her little toe. <3

Pandora isn't the brightest but she is the sweetest, a very amusing and clumsy little lady, and she can talk for England. She stayed with her parents for a bit over 5 weeks, which is one of the reasons we chose her. I'm a big advocate of parent rearing and would have liked her to stay with her parents much longer. Some of you may know Shinda and Mojo, who are Pandora's older siblings. Like them, Pandora has toe damage from when her dad tried to help her out of the egg. She's got three toe nails, two on one foot and one on the other, all of which are on the shorter toes. Her favourite pastime though is hanging upside down, so she's not letting something as pesky as tiny toes stop her from doing what she wants.

Io is wary of new people; he instantly decided I was his best friend, he likes my partner, but he only really relaxes completely when it's just the two of us (at the moment anyway - it's getting better). According to his previous family, he was never really handled, and was "completely wild" when they got him. But, he's a little sweetie, not aggressive unless you were to push him, love cuddles and just lying in my lap. And nuts, he'll do anything for a nut. We're working on stepping up and he's making great progress, even though he'd still very uncomfortable with it and doesn't want to stay on something that moves. It's not an issue though, as he'll fly to wherever we ask him, so getting him from room to room is easy. A very clever little guy :) He can be loud when he wants to, but doesn't scream excessively, and likes to sing along to music in the cutest little voice imaginable.

The reason I haven't introduced myself before this is that I'm not very active, and I'm unlikely to become very active in the future. I won't have time to read all posts, and I probably won't post much either. But, at least now you know a bit more about who I am. :)
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Oh wow, you have my dream setup!

I have a senegal (a poi), my partner want's a Grey, and I really want a ducorps too! You're english seems fine by the way :).

The pictures are beautiful! Your birds all look wonderful.

Would love to hear about your birds antics and just drop in whenever suits. I go through periods of inactivity - then spend days on the forum, the disappear again for a while. :p
Wow what pretty pets you have! Lo sounds like and absolute soul stealer when she wraps her foot around fingers, how cute!
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Thank you :)

I'm very very content with my flock. Three is the ideal number, and they're all so much part of the family. My mum keeps referring to them as her grandchildren, lol! Before we got Io, it felt like the family wasn't complete, somehow. Now it is :)

And, they're all very well behaved, generally. No major issues, nothing we can't work through. I've been very very lucky! :)

(I regularly confuse people into thinking I'm British, because they can't detect an accent, but then I go and say something silly, using a word the wrong way or something, and the game is up, lol!)
Thank you :)

I'm very very content with my flock. Three is the ideal number, and they're all so much part of the family. My mum keeps referring to them as her grandchildren, lol! Before we got Io, it felt like the family wasn't complete, somehow. Now it is :)

And, they're all very well behaved, generally. No major issues, nothing we can't work through. I've been very very lucky! :)

(I regularly confuse people into thinking I'm British, because they can't detect an accent, but then I go and say something silly, using a word the wrong way or something, and the game is up, lol!)

We invited a friend over from Sweden to live with us for a while, almost 2 years ago now, his written English was perfect (probably better than mine actually!), just spoken was accented and he stumbled with some words (usually slang type things!). He's been in the UK now 2years in Sept and has come along in leaps and bounds. Most people can't tell he's swedish though. :)

My parent's also call my pets their Grandkids because they know "we're not getting anything else from you two are we?!". Haha! Least your parents are accomodating of that matter ;)

Thanks for all the pictures, they are lovely! :)
Thank you for sharing all the beautiful picture of your super cute fids!!! Welcome to the forum.
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Thanks, guys! :)

Yeah, my former English teacher in Sweden (who was Scottish) claimed that it's virtually impossible to trick a Brit into believing you're British unless you are, actually, British. So not true. :p To be honest, I think that in general, people here expect second language speakers to have a noticeable accent (because to be fair, most do), and when they can't hear one, they just assume that English must be their first language. :)
You have a lovely flock, thanks for sharing the pictures and welcome to the forum:)

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