Female white capped Pionus sexual maturity


New member
Dec 19, 2015
Franklin, Qc
African greys
Blue fronted amazons
Hi guys, for the past few weeks I have been building a relationship with my darling Suki. She is about 1 year old. I have read and tried finding new information on how female Pionus parrots become at sexual maturity . Now Suki still has a little ways to go before she reaches that point in her life but I would love to hear how your female Pionus became once they hit sexual maturity. Right now of course, she is sweet, cuddly, loves preening me and has started regurgitating for me. She wants me everytime she sees me. I just would like to have some idea on how she may change once she matures. Hoping that she won't become to difficult to handle. I am aware that every parrot has its own personality but it's just to have some idea on what to look forward to. Thanks ahead of time for your replies and I wish you all a Happy New Year!
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Sorry, I don't have an answer for you, but am wondering as well. I have a male WC pi that is 19 months old. Right now he is as cute as can be. I still get bit every once in a while, usually when he is too excited he bites the arm/hand he is standing on. I'm a little afraid if what this spring will be like. It should be the worst one right?
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Hi there, well I guess we are in the same boat. If I hear about anything I will let you know. My Suki is as loving as can be, she has never bit me as of yet. I try and always respect her by not making her do things she does not want to do unless I have no choice such as put her in her cage for the night, but I go slowly and she never tries to bite. Let me know if you hear anything before I do. Take care.
Sorry, all 3 of my pi's are males :)
Hey Suki's owner,

I have a 9.5 year old female white cap. To be honest I don't know when she reached sexual maturity because she didn't change all that much. I'm guessing around 3-4 years old.

Her pionus smell gets a lot stronger when she's excited/sexy.

If a bird looks to you as their mate, they will have different expectations of you and be more aggressive with you and others. I don't put my hands over Jimmy Pi's back or pet her over the back because that's the sensation the hens look for when they masturbate (!). But we still snuggle with head, neck, beak and nose rubs, and she loves when I stick my nose in the downy feathers of her neck. As an adult, she still readily makes friends with others, steps to them and allow her favorites to pet her.

She is never aggressive with me or anyone unless they push her. Usually she will lean or back away if she doesn't like something. If you persist, she will hiss and eventually lunge (if she can't fly away), but she is an extremely tolerant parrot. The only times she has badly bitten me were when I was breaking up a fight between her and my other birdie. She knows what kind of pressure she is using, and we respect and love each other, so she is very gentle.

There have also been people she hated (people who haven't been polite to her) and she has a nasty, loud and scary squawk she uses to make them jump. She will also lunge at them if they get close. She is fully flighted, but won't pursue anyone unless they are actively being mean.

I think when a bird becomes an adult, their needs and some desires change, but they are still the same person. You just learn when they need some time to cool down, or some independence, and go with it.

Sorry, all 3 of my pi's are males :)

I have a male and am interested in how they acted as hormonal teens :)

Like their close cousins the Amazons :D! But seriously, their hormonal behavior (both males and females) is similar to what you'd expect from a hormonal Amazon. Typically males display and become more territorial and aggressive. Of course some individuals get harder to handle than others, depending on individual personality as well as early boundary setting. Raven (male) is pretty much a pill all the time. I think that's how he came out of the egg lol, but I love the funny guy.
Sorry, all 3 of my pi's are males :)

I have a male and am interested in how they acted as hormonal teens :)

Like their close cousins the Amazons :D! But seriously, their hormonal behavior (both males and females) is similar to what you'd expect from a hormonal Amazon. Typically males display and become more territorial and aggressive. Of course some individuals get harder to handle than others, depending on individual personality as well as early boundary setting. Raven (male) is pretty much a pill all the time. I think that's how he came out of the egg lol, but I love the funny guy.
I am so in love with my little guy. He can be a real booger sometimes and when he does bite hard he usually draws blood. He has gotten much better, or I have gotten better at reading him! I don't get bit often, I'm hoping it stays at that same level. I just hope his body language shows it and he doesn't turn into an attacking crazy bird. When I do get bit, it's my fault. He hasn't really ever bit out of no where. That's what I'm afraid of.

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