Female Eclectus Laying Eggs


New member
Nov 22, 2014
Queensland, Australia
Jess is our Male Indian Ring Neck and Ruby is our Female Eclectus
Hi everyone im a female Eclectus owner and our girl Ruby has laid her first 2 eggs. I contacted our avian vet with regards as to what to do with her non fertile eggs. I was advised just to leave them in the bottom of her cage until she rejects them. My question is how long before she rejects them? Our Ring Neck has taken on daddy duties & is regurgitating for her and she only leaves her cage for short periods of time a couple of times a day to go for a quick fly around the house and a poop. Others have said just to take the eggs away from her but im worried she will want to produce more eggs & it could cause nutrient deficiencies. I purchased some dummy eggs on ebay to maybe replace the real ones once she rejects them? Any advice or tips from an Ekky owner would be much appreciated. Thankyou, Mark & Ruby.

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like the vet said, leave them until she gets bored. From what I've read birds normally wait for roughly the incubation period, it depends how strong their "parent sense" is. Just leave her and daddy ringneck to it, get some extra calcium in her diet and she'll be fine
Hi you may find our member Taw5106 posts useful http://www.parrotforums.com/eclectus/67820-dashiki-venus-has-defeated-lupron.html she has a female ekkie also.


This is just two of her threads btw from the Eclectus sub-forum http://www.parrotforums.com/eclectus/

Surely if your Ringneck Jess, is regurgitating for Ruby then, this will encourage her, you might be better to keep them separated (in their cages) for the time being. Separate out times?

Make sure she has no access to any dark, nesty holes, under sofas, in boxes that kinda thing. Best to leave or use the dummy's from memory, maybe if you get any odour be a good idea? Be careful for the possibility of her giving you a good nip also.
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Leaving the eggs, or replacing them with dummy eggs, until she loses interest is solid advice. Otherwise, chances are good she'd just lay more. Most will sit their eggs for the better part of a month. Others lose interest sooner. Some later.

I find it fascinating that your ringneck has taken on the daddy duties!
I find it fascinating that your ringneck has taken on the daddy duties!

Same here. Also highly amusing. In my head I envision that Ekkie lying down happily on her eggs with the ringneck giving lots of "what you doing" and other usual ringneck speak in between feeding her. Goes to show love knows no bounds!
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Thanks everyone for your advice. I cleaned Rubys cage today & replaced her eggs with the dummy ones. She didn't notice [emoji16] I also think its hilarious that Jess has taken on daddy duty. I'll try to get a picture or a video of him feeding her for you all to see & post it in this thread. Thanks again everyone.

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