Female Cockatiel Wanted Anaheim Socal Area


New member
Apr 27, 2016
I need a female cockatiel. My male's companion passed away and I want to keep him with company.

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I have a Female cockatiel that I have been considering re-homing.
I am not 100% sure she is a she but it's my opinion.
her name is Pinky because in the right lighting there is a hit of pink in her eyes.
I think she is 3 or 4 years old. She lost her... I think it was a sibling due to a neurological condition, had to be put to sleep.
since then she has been plucking her feathers and I can't get her to stop.
She is a very timid bird and has not managed to make friends with any of my other cockatiels.
she has been to the vet and they can find nothing wrong with her.

why are you looking here?
Being as this is your first post and not knowing anything about you must understand my hesitancy to hand her over to the first person looking for a bird.
Cockatiels are not that expensive.
Please don't think I am being rude, but I truly want what is best for my little Pinky

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Hi. Your concerns are well appointed. I'd be hesitant myself. Normally an option would be to visit a pet store or Craigslist, but I've decided to give forums a try to see if I'd find a companion that is around the same age as my bird.
If your local to the Anaheim area, perhaps we can see if our birds get along before deciding to make a deal.

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I am local to you compared to the members at large on the forum. By miles and time it may be a stretch. I am near the northern boarder of LA county and southern Kern(?) county in the high desert.

It's not as simple as putting two tiels together, I wish it was. I bought a grey Tiel with the express purpose of finding a friend for Pinky.
It did not work. the new grey is also a female and very much a hand raised bird. It's friendly with all my family members... not so much with my other tiels.

Pinky is NOT hand raised. Over time I have gained a lot of trust from/with her. I think she really likes me, just does not like "hands". I can take her out of her cage by getting her to sit on her seed dish. She will get on my hand to go back to her cage but it's reluctantly.
She can fly but not very well, not controlled.

I guess I would prefer to re-home her(if I did re-home her) somewhere close by so I could still see her. Make sure she was not missing me too much and making the feather plucking even worse that it is.

I bought her and her sibling/partner and a yard sale in my area. the owners were selling because they were moving to an apartment and could not keep her. I just don't know if a new owner would be a good thing for her. If I knew she would thrive in a new environment I would give her up in a heart beat.
at this point I am still trying to figure out wat is best for her.
I don't mean to keep you hanging. If you find a good offer go for it .

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