Feet tell age


New member
Oct 19, 2013



OK now, I have tried tirelessly to find out how old Sammy is. I have contacted L&M about the leg band as well. so many things I have read state that you can "guess-ta-mate" a parrots age by eyes and feet. The coloring of eyes and the "rough" look of feet are suppose to be clues. Problem is, I can find out through all this reading when the changes take place. For instance, the feet, they change to looking "rough" as they age. where they are more "smooth" as they as younger. When do you start to notice the change? at what age? cant be an over night change can it? is there anywhere on the net that shows this changes over time lapse? Even if I cant get the answer, I do get to show off Sammy's beautiful eyes. lol just look at those lashes! I also love the way his eye looks like it is trimmed in a "ripple waved" look.
Firstly: BEAUTIFUL pictures of Sammy. I'm afraid I'm no help at all to finding out his age, but I absolutely love the pictures you've taken of him. :)
And you're right. The roughness of the feet isn't an over-night thing, it's just a gradual wear. Sort of like wrinkles on a human. Some people get them earlier(smoking, sun exposure, etc) and some get them later for whatever reasons.
Have you found anything about the eyes? Like with greys they're a grey-ish until about a year then they start to turn yellow?(Or something like that..)
Best of luck guess-ta-mating his age. :)
I think you can only definitely tell by feet if they're REAL YOUNG. Maybe if they're REAL OLD and are showing some other signs of being elderly too. Otherwise, no way to tell for sure. The "change" is not obvious. My Red Bellied parrot is nearly 20 years old, which is not "elderly" but still pretty up there for a smaller Poicephalus species. His feet are still "normal" looking like they've always been.

Btw... Orange Winged are gorgeous!

Edit: I was also thinking, parrots are so long lived that it makes it hard if not impossible to tell 'where they are' as an adult. There could be a span of literally decades where they really don't visually change. It's even hard to tell with a dog who is not real young or old even though dogs have much shorter lifespans. I think they could at least tell dogs by their teeth wear and condition, but even that's not 100%. I wish there was a way to get an answer. I'd be extremely curious too if I were you! You've contacted the breeder from the leg band? Did they answer?
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Dixie is over 20+ years old and we've had her for 9 years. She have not change one bit since the day we brought her home. Willie is going to be 13 years old on May 20th and he haven't change in his appearance one bit nor his feet since I had him at 3 years old.
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Thanks Sterlin ,
I am always taking pics and videos of my baby. So cute, he will almost pose for me. He is certainly use to the camera.
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Thanks Raven and Mike.
Raven L&M have not connected me to a breeder yet. I called and gave them his band info. they say if they get time they will check it out but no promises... I'm not gonna hold my breathe for sure.
his band is WA as the state but it only has 2 initials and 1 single number. everything i've read says 3 letters and 3 number are on most bands. this is a real pain. I guess I assumed the band info would make it easier, boy was I wrong.

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