Feeling some what anxious and nervous about leaving albie with my mother in law


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
We are going away for 2 weeks at the start of october and we are taking alble to stay with my mother in law

Now they do have a small amout of trust built up (he let her stroke his head when we were at the vets while we were waiting to be seen so thay was huge progress and if i moved away he went to sit near her until.i came back )

Its just ....ive never left him for so long itll be almost 18 days . Has any one lett their birds for so long ?

Albie has always had a positive reaction when we come home and he becomes a velcro bird for a fee weeks after but , im just really worried about leaving him .

I know its silly, but what if he thinks ive abandoned him ?
I think he may be upset and confused or even a bit angry but he will get over it.

Maybe you can call him on the phone part of the way through? Or record a message to be played for him while you’re gone?

I would tell him how long you will be gone and assure him you will come back.
Have you ever tried video calling him while you're out? Just to see how he reacts?

If he doesn't totally freak out, to me Albie seems wicked smart and I bet he would like check ins from you while you're away (if that's even possible).
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With the amount of stuff o took with albie to my mother in laws

* his cage
*his travel cage
*all gis food,seed mix ,pellets, nutriberries

It feels more like im rehoming him to her than sending him on his holiday .

But he didnt care , he let her scritch h and when i put him in his cage he immediately started chowing down on his food so thats always a good sign .

Gonna miss my little shadow !
Well I hope you are enjoying your trip! I am halfway through a semester abroad in Costa Rica, and had the same concerns with leaving Maddox with my mom back in the US. It was hard at first, and I felt guilty, but I guess I just had to trust that my mom would take good care of him, and she has! I get picture updates (which helps a ton), and soon enough, I stopped worrying. I even face-timed him, which I totally recommend if that is possible for you to do.
I'm a worrier just when I'm gone at work so I understand!!! 🥰
When I got my first parrot, Grady (Timneh), he had been at the rescue for a very long time, crammed in tight with a bunch of CAGs, and two other Timnehs. (The other Timnehs were not available for adoption.) I was worried how he would be, coming to live with me, as the only creature in the house while I was at work, after being in parrot mayhem so long. So, I tried to condition him to my leaving and returning, in progressively longer spans. Nonetheless, I came home to visit him on my lunch break every single day—without fail—until I got a work-from-home job.

@Stitchthestitch, if possible, maybe take him to your mom's, leave for just a few minutes, and come right back. Stay for a bit; leave a bit longer, come back. You get the idea. "Teach" Albie that when you leave him at her house, you come back.
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She just rang me to say hes setrled in really well and thays shes let him out this morning so he isnt in a bad mood .

She really loves Albie

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