Feeling in beak


Nov 29, 2016
just wondering how much feeling do they have in their choppers as ever since I brought Maxx home we have a routine when I uncover him in the morning he likes to come to his door perch and he gives my finger a little light nip and touch. now it has gotten to where he seems to like me stroking his beak upper and lower looks to put him into la la land and he just rests his head on the bars for all he can get.
just wondering how much feeling do they have in their choppers as ever since I brought Maxx home we have a routine when I uncover him in the morning he likes to come to his door perch and he gives my finger a little light nip and touch. now it has gotten to where he seems to like me stroking his beak upper and lower looks to put him into la la land and he just rests his head on the bars for all he can get.

The Bill structure of a Parrot has a large mass of nerve endings that attach to the upper section. I am not fully sure of the lower section, but it likely has nerve endings but likely fewer than the upper. The use of the Bill is common with all Hook Bills in exploring the World around them. So, light contact (rub) is enjoyed by most Parrots.
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Yup! What Steven said! Hahaha! (And it is because I know how sensitive bird beaks are that I cringe whenever I hear someone saying that they discipline their parrots by flicking the beaks. That method is painful to them.)

My Eclectic Duo also love having their beaks rubbed. One of their favorite petting spots, actually.
Rubbing his upper beak is how I first had contact with Salty. He still like it. He likes having his nares lightly rubbed too.

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