Feeding the 'Too


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Jonesy is a SLOB!! I could fill his bowl three times a day. I can hear him just flinging his food out of the bowl looking for his favorite stuff. I am currently trying to get him to eat pellets. This guy is going to make the pantry empty in no time flat.

His bowl isen't large,my smokey made it last a day,coz she'd munch out of her veggie/fruit/treat bowl a lot..this guy just picks here and there.
How often do you feed your Goffin's? I don't want to starve the little cockatoo mannnn.

Jim, I feel for you, a lot of Toos view food slinging as an Olympic sport and like to train for it. My guess is, when your cockatoo man gets accustomed to the meal time routine, this problem will disappear. My birds get two fresh meals a day, one very early in the morning and one early evening. In the afternoon, they have raw veggies, a little fruit, a piece of birdie bread. They get some pellets, and some foraging mix, but neither is a big part if their diet.

Poppy is a natural born food launcher, if she peeks into her bowl and finds the contents disappointing she'll try to fling it hard enough that it lands in her not so close, neighbor's cage. After she disposes of her meal, she stands over her bowl and screams for something more palatable. As much as she enjoys this game, it seldom happens any more, she eats most of her food now.

Jonesy is a good Too, mannn! He'll stop flinging his food!
Lol...Peanut flings her food too! She will put that big beak in the middle of her bowl and start swinging it side to side. We can just hear the food raining down sometimes...lol. It's usually the little bit of seed that she gets and I figure she's looking for sunflower seeds....there is none...lol. She only gets those for treats now.
Rocky opened the door where his food dish slides in so he could get the food dish out (brackets keep it in place otherwise) and dumped it all over the floor yesterday. He also dumped his treat dish. Our ever-helpful mutt Jack wanted to eat it all, but there were raisins in the treat dish and I wouldn't let him. I won't give Rocky raisins again unless I hand them to him individually, because I don't want Jack eating them. Rocky has been dismantling a toy near his food bowl and flinging pieces of half-chewed wood everywhere and some ended up in the food dish. When I refilled it with the EXACT same pellets, minus the wood chips, he was content to let it be. What a DIVA. LOL
Goffins aren't the neatest of eaters, and I've learned to accept a fair amount of waste. It's hilarious to watch them jettison unwanted food items with contempt, hurling them a distance while less objectionable items are casually tossed without drama!

Same with seeds/pellets, or whatever you supplement fresh food with. They'll dig with their beaks for precisely what they crave, knowing their human slaves will happily refill. Wash, rinse, and repeat!!
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Lol...Peanut flings her food too! She will put that big beak in the middle of her bowl and start swinging it side to side. We can just hear the food raining down sometimes...lol. It's usually the little bit of seed that she gets and I figure she's looking for sunflower seeds....there is none...lol. She only gets those for treats now.

4 dugnlee...Jonesy does the exact same thing!I can be hear,<my computer room> which is right across from the living room..and that's all I hear...FLING FLING FLING!! and when I look..his bowl has nearly NOTHING in it.

I am slowly introducing pellets to his meal time,Amy's too,but he doesn't seem interested. I give him one by hand and he'll roll it around in his little beak a couple times,then just spit it out.

Someone mentioned about putting a tray underneath the grate and recycling his nummys..he has a tray already but it seems weird to recycle..I guess in the long run,its like us humans eating left-overs lol. I'm going to try that.

Also today at the pet store,when I was buying a couple new toys and those seed stick thingies for him and Amy, I came across a bowl.. < I think its called "tidy bowl"> where its made of clear plexi plastic,where it has a deep bowl,but it has sides to it and a cover and there is a perch where the birdie sits on and his/her head is inside the enclosure,where it doesn't permit goodies to be flung hither and yon..The sales kid says they sell ALOT of them for people with Greys and it works fantastically,but the price is $80,rather pricey.

I am going to check with "Windy City Parrot" in Chicago and see if they offer them. I am almost sure if they do,it would be less than what a pet store charges.

On a brighter note,Jonesy is settling in great :)) He lves his out time. I still cannot get him on my arm when he is on top of his house. However,once he does "step up" he climbs up my arm onto my shoulder.

I was out in the kitchen with him,when my buddy Joe came by to play setback. We were at the table and Jonesy walked down my arm onto the table to watch and "play". He would take a card from me and start munching on it. I gave him one of his own to destroy and he took great pleasure in it. He then would hop on my hand then off and walk around the table saying Good cockatoo mannnn lol.
He even flittered off the table and followed me into the bathroom.
Looks like he is getting to know his surroundings coz he walked down the hall right back to the living room and his house..funny little guy :white1:

He must feel comfy here coz I can notice the fluff on his chest is growing back,not as bald as he was when he came here,and that's only been a little over a week.

He definitely found a home in my heart :)

His p.o. told me WATCH OUT!! he'll charm the dickens out of you then do something he's not suppose to do..says he is a "player" lol.


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