Feeding details please


New member
Mar 8, 2013
Green Cheek Conure, Cipher
Green Cheek Conure, Kirby
I get it that a good pellet feed should always be available, but wondering what home grown, natural foods I can plant, pick and buy. I'm still Googling all of it, but having a hard time finding the answers.

I found these to be listed as safe, but also wondering about some other things.

Pasta, rice, bread, seeds, grains, fruits, Veggies, nuts, meats.
Broccoli, apples w/o seeds, grapes, spinach, chickweed, kale
Dandelions, carrots, corn on the cob, peas, sweet potatoes.
Banana, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries (pitted), guava, mango
Nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches (remove the pit), pears (remove the pear core)
Plums, pomegranate, prunes, raisins, strawberries, raspberries, asparagus
Dried Beans (Cooked), beets, brussels Sprouts, cauliflower, chard, cucumber, hot peppers
Kiwi (peeled), pea pods, red leaf lettuce, sprouts (Alfalfa, Broccoli, Bean), squash Cooked ( Acorn, Butternut, and Pumpkin)
Sweet and Baked Potato / Yams cooked, zucchini, green beans, bran squares
Brown Rice, couscous, eggs ( scrambled, hard boiled), fresh nuts ( leave in shell for enrichment play )
Meats, millet, oatmeal, pilaf, shredded Wheat

Why do some of them need to be cooked, can any that say to cook, can also be given raw?

What kind of branches from trees are safe for them to perch/chew on? We have Sycamore, Mulberry, Willow, Apple & Pear. They are safe for most mammals, what about conures?

What house plants are safe and which are not? We have a lot of house plants, most are dog/cat safe, but not sure about birds.

Does anyone know if Cattail leaves and tails are safe? What about Pampas grass and the plumes? If they are, I'd like to make my own toys for the bird in the future.

More to come, sorry...=D

Whatever you plan to feed your bird, please make sure that at first you feed him exactly what he is used to before switching over to what you think is best. Once the bird is comfortable in his new environment and new people, then gradually introduce new food to eventually switch him to. That can take a few months of his old food before the switch.

Talk to whoever the bird is with now and ask what his feeding routine is. Where does he sleep now(hut? perch?). Is he used to being covered at night? how does he bathe? etc...The person who owns him now should tell you all of this so that the transition for this new bird is a smooth one.

It is stressful enough to change home, people etc..to also have everything you know change as well. It will only make his and your life harder to adjust. The advice I would give is to try and have everything he is used to as similar as possible at first. Then change one thing at a time down the road.
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Found out Sycamore & Willow are safe as perches.
Found out Sycamore & Willow are safe as perches.

Just remember, because a branch is non toxic and safe doesn't mean it's risk free. Using live branches is fantastic and birds love it, but it comes with it's own set of dangers you need to research.
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Found out Sycamore & Willow are safe as perches.

Just remember, because a branch is non toxic and safe doesn't mean it's risk free. Using live branches is fantastic and birds love it, but it comes with it's own set of dangers you need to research.

Like what?
If you know what those are, you should mention them. I haven't found any reason not to use them as long as they are on safe lists so far.
Bugs. Insecticides. Car fumes. Wildlife; i.e. birds, ants, aphids, snakes, reptiles, etc that may be carrying bacteria or viruses sitting on those branches.
Found out Sycamore & Willow are safe as perches.

Just remember, because a branch is non toxic and safe doesn't mean it's risk free. Using live branches is fantastic and birds love it, but it comes with it's own set of dangers you need to research.

Like what?
If you know what those are, you should mention them. I haven't found any reason not to use them as long as they are on safe lists so far.
Sorry, I had been on my phone and didn't have time to go into detail at the time.

It's fine to use branches. You just need to understand there is a risk. Racoons, possums, rats, mice, squirrels, wild birds, bugs, mites, and other things are being exposed to natural branches all the time. A bird mite infestation is more common in spring and can effect the entire household, it is also very difficult to get rid of if you don't catch it immediately. Avoid trees with nests, but know that mites also frequent trees without a nest present by falling off of birds. It seems impossible to completely eliminate the danger of mites without making the branch dangerous for your bird. And there is undoubtedly a host of other risks as well. Bringing natural branches into your home is fantastic enrichment for your bird, just make sure you understand it is a risk and that if your bird needs a emergency vet visit you are able to bring them in.

Just because birds rarely get sick doesn't mean it won't happen to you. Knowing the risks means you should be capable of taking your bird to the vet encase something bad happens. I always have my parents to fall back to encase of a emergency, if I didn't I would never bring in branches from outside.

about every month, or every 2 months I give Rosie eucalyptus branches which she loves. But I'll admit I'm always a bit nervous which is why I don't do it all the time.
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Wouldn't boiling or baking them kill the mites?
Wouldn't boiling or baking them kill the mites?
You can, but only if the branch is small enough to boil. Rosie usually gets 6'-10' branches that cannot be boiled or baked. And if I baked it there would be a risk of fire, eucalyptus has sap that easily catches on fire. Eucalyptus are known for exploding during forest/bush fires.

You may be able to fit a 3-4' branch into the dishwasher, put the dishwasher on sanitize(a extra hot rinse) with no soap.

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