Feeding Chillies & Bathing


New member
Nov 5, 2012
Eclectus Roratus Polychloros
Hi Guys,
All is going well with Kermit, he is making great progress recently and after a bit over 2 months of owning him, he has come to be very comfortable with us :D
We have never fed him chillies so just wondering, is there any limit to how hot they can be? Like if a chilly is extremely hot to me, can we feed it to Kermit ok? Do we need to chop it up and remove the hot seeds? or are they immune to the "hotness"..
Also I am looking for some advise on bathing. We haven't bathed him yet as he only recently started stepping up onto our hands. We spray him with water regularly but how do we progress with bathing him? Do you just place him into some water in a sink and see what happens?
Aizen eats Thai chili as easily as carrot - seeds and all; he loves them. I only disperse a couple per bowl of food, a couple of times a week.

Run the tap so you've a small amount of water in a sink, have Kermit by you as you splash it around and look like you're having fun; you can even lower him down to the water and see if he will step into it. That said, any bird has moments where he just doesn't want to get wet, so you'll probably need to try a fair few times.

We gave up getting Aizen into the water, and he suddenly jumped in of his own volition. I need to keep one hand in the sink, otherwise he panics and feels trapped.
Feed Kermit all the chilies he desires (any variety).....they are all good for our feathered friends. While we may not be able to handle it, the capsaicin (what makes them seem hot to us) does not affect birds.

If you eat too many peppers or the wrong kind, cultured dairy products, like yogurt, buttermilk & sour-cream work much better than milk, though it will give you some relief from the heat. Drinking will also help with heat relief. Sugar will also neutralize the burning sensation.
I have always fed chilies to my parrots....all kinds. You can find those dried ones that are red and there are seeds inside and they will LOVE them!!
Just be careful and don't kiss their beak after....ouch! You don't want that on your lips.

As far as the shower...we bought a parrot shower perch on Amazon and it has suctions that attach to our back wall.....then we just turned on the shower while he sat there and when he appeared calm we started to sprinkle water on him.....just progress that way.
I give all of our parrots a shower ever other day and dry them part way in the winter w/ a hair dryer (which they love btw).
Also....here's a great video on training your bird for a shower....

[ame="http://youtu.be/qC7yPUMlzps"]SHOWER TRAINING[/ame]

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