Feeding 4 week okdbaby sun conure


New member
Feb 8, 2024
Nanday conure
Sun conure
So I just bought what I was told to be a 4 week old sun conure. The breeders had fully weaned ones but they were insane and didnā€™t even like the breeder let alone me. They also offered the newborn which was irresponsible on their part and my dumbass took it cause I wanted to raise it. Iā€™ve weaned a kakariki for like 2 weeks max since it was already fledging ( I did lie to breeder about how I have done it before so she was good and woukd never hand it over to someone inexperienced, even though I was). So I thought I could do it since I learned a lot, but she gave me a syringe and thank god I still have the feeding spoon from my kakarikis breeder cause I heard a lot of risky things abs Iā€™m no where near experienced enough to use that.
Anyway my question is how long can I leave the baby sun conure without food? Iā€™ll upload a photo to show how old it looks, but I want to take it with me to travel and it might need to stay hungry for 7-8 hours, I hope thatā€™s not too long. And do you guys think itā€™ll be fine for travel? I also didnā€™t realize how expensive it would be and why southwest doesnā€™t allow birds, if the did all my troubles would be solved.


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I don't have any experience with baby birds, as all of mine are adult rescues, but here's a thread that might be of some help.

Otherwise, can you bring him back to the breeder, or a different breeder to finish weaning? It's worth swallowing a little pride if it keeps your baby alive, you know?
7-8 HOURS?? My adult parrot would be screaming for food. At 4 weeks a chick would want food every 4-5 hours. He will let you know when he is hungry.
Ok yea I didnā€™t end up going through with it since itā€™s super cold, sheā€™ll be cold and hungry, I almost cried when I went to cargo, im gonna go back to get her. But now I need to know if a health certificate is mandatory if I want to go to New York with it in cabin

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