Feathers losing

Simi khan

New member
Jun 13, 2024
Ringneck Green
I have ringneck green parrot .he has lost feather 🪶 below nostrils. Also having itching sensation. Is it molting or something Else??? I am worried about it. Plz help me. He is healthy .,active .


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Ringneck green parrots may experience feather loss below the nostrils and itching sensation due to molting, allergies, skin infections, or behavioral issues. Monitor the bird closely and consult an avian veterinarian for a thorough examination and diagnosis. Provide a clean environment, minimize allergens, and ensure the bird has a balanced diet. If symptoms worsen, seek veterinary attention.
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Perhaps just a regular part of his molting schedule? Tucker has gotten a little thin around the nostrils a few times, and his usual thing is thinning around the neck. I tease him every year that he's getting his male pattern balding. 🤣 They fill back in after a bit, so I don't worry about it. To be fair, once you've had a plucker, I think you're always super sensitive to the possibility that it's intentional. Good to know Nico should be growing them back. He's such a gorgeous boy ❤️
Assalam o Alaikum plz help me I have a ringneck green parrot he has lost feather 🪶 below nostrils and also has itching sensation around the nose.is it molting or something else?
Might just be molting so keep an eye on him. Check for things like mites or rashes and take him to a local vet if you find anything (also he's so beautiful!)
I have ringneck green parrot .he has lost feather 🪶 below nostrils. Also having itching sensation. Is it molting or something Else??? I am worried about it. Plz help me. He is healthy .,active .
One thing I do. When ever I see my pet scratching in excess I give my pet an aloe Vera spray down. I have noticed a lot of issues getting resolved.

But please do not consider this as treatment specific to your pets issue.
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One thing I do. When ever I see my pet scratching in excess I give my pet an aloe Vera spray down. I have noticed a lot of issues getting resolved.

But please do not consider this as treatment specific to your pets issue.
Plz specify the name of that spray
I have a parrot who does have this issue. Always bring them to a vet for medically related things if you can. It’s what’s fair to the parrot so if something is able to be addressed with an antibiotic for an example that they are able to get the help that they need. Nico my Ekkie went through a bunch of testing with his vet when I adopted him. A lot of labs were done to make sure that nothing major was going on. It was determined that Nico has feather destructive behavior (common with Ekkie’s). I will say when Nico had the feather loss to the extent that the above photos of the Ringneck show… Nico actually had an upper respiratory infection. After the antibiotics his vet prescribed the feathers around his nostrils came back within a month of so.

I hope your parrot is feeling better
Any aloe Vera natural spray without essence or aroma should do the trick.

I use the plant in the pic. I Take out some fresh gel and mix it with water. lightly and mildly spray it on Kiwi and Zeus. Hope this helps your bird.
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I have a parrot who does have this issue. Always bring them to a vet for medically related things if you can. It’s what’s fair to the parrot so if something is able to be addressed with an antibiotic for an example that they are able to get the help that they need. Nico my Ekkie went through a bunch of testing with his vet when I adopted him. A lot of labs were done to make sure that nothing major was going on. It was determined that Nico has feather destructive behavior (common with Ekkie’s). I will say when Nico had the feather loss to the extent that the above photos of the Ringneck show… Nico actually had an upper respiratory infection. After the antibiotics his vet prescribed the feathers around his nostrils came back within a month of so.

I hope your parrot is feeling better
Thanks for your good suggestion. Here in my area haven't good vet . Plz tells me about the medical tests and name of antibiotics that you used them also the procedure of using antibiotics. I am so worried about my dearest Mitton gulkhan.plz plz I shall be very thankful for that.
Thanks for your good suggestion. Here in my area haven't good vet . Plz tells me about the medical tests and name of antibiotics that you used them also the procedure of using antibiotics. I am so worried about my dearest Mitton gulkhan.plz plz I shall be very thankful for that.
Nico was on a medication called celexeb for quite sometime. I cannot recall the name of the antibiotics. I’d have to go through his medical charts which is quite a bit. He had his stool samples, and blood work (they took blood from under his wing). They do bloodwork to test for chlamydia, polyoma, beak and feather disease, CBC for infection, and so on. She did swabs for bacteria to test for skin infections as Nico was missing a lot of feathers. He was diagnosed with ABV which by the sounds of it is kind of common in flocks. She was able to tell that Nico had a broken wing with built up scar tissue. She knew from that, that this was a very old injury. She wasn’t exactly happy about his condition (I could tell because she looked very upset). She wanted to know how all of this happened, and I had no answers for her as I’d just adopted him. Since he came from a shelter she had me reach out to them for the vet that he used to go to. The shelter knew of course that he had a broken wing, and some medical issues but they don’t always get a full history on parrots as they are a shelter.

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