So Remington has been dropping a lot of feathers lately, i found one yesterday in his cage and the quill part(hollow shaft) wasnt there....any reason to be concerned?
2 Budgies, 3 Cockatiels, 6 GCC'S, 2 Crimson Bellie Conures, 9 Sun Conures, 2 Major Mitchells, 12 Eclectus parrots of various ages, 2 BF Amazons, 2 Hahn's Macaw's, 1 Red Tail Black Too
It's possible the feather has broken off & the quill is still attached to the body or Remington has been playing with his feather & chewed it but if that were the case you would find the rest of the feather in the cage somewhere.
2 Budgies, 3 Cockatiels, 6 GCC'S, 2 Crimson Bellie Conures, 9 Sun Conures, 2 Major Mitchells, 12 Eclectus parrots of various ages, 2 BF Amazons, 2 Hahn's Macaw's, 1 Red Tail Black Too
No don't worry the quill will fall when the new pins emerge. You can check his tail & flight feathers to see where the broken feather actually came from.
Not being a blood feather means that it's an old feather.
Is Remington starting to go through a yearly molt???
I noticed when Rosie was in her first molt most of the blood feather were protected in the wings and you would have to look under the wings to see them. The vet actually showed me. One blood feather on each side all tucked in and protected by ajoining feathers. So totally facinating. Vet told me when they are in a molt give extra calories and protein. The calories we in the nutriberries (3 per day). And yes, birdy PMS in spades.