feather growth


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Does anyone know how long it takes for a feather to grow?
On Saturday I took Lincoln to the vet to get a beak trim and a general exam and the vet recommended giving him red palm oil to help with his feathers so I started that on Sunday and on Monday I noticed some new feathers growing in. I don't know if this is just coincidence or if the red palm oil is actually helping. Some of the feathers are already coming out of the casing and others look fully grown but still have the casing. I have my doubts it's related to the red palm oil because it happened so fast, but does anyone know?
I agree with you regarding the timing. Far more coincidence that the effect of read palm oil. Large feathers take longer to grow then body feathers and as a result it can seem like forever before they replace a larger feather loss to normal replacement.

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