fargos training so far


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Hello :)

havnt posted a thread in a while ;) so here we go..
fargos flight training is wonderful! flies to me, and to different perches that i point to..
and he has now gotten the hang of turning around and shaking hands.. not perfect though, i am slowly trying to put my hand in front to ask him to turn around, instead of behind his head!

here is a short video of his things so far, TERRIBLE quality.. i didnt know how to cut and paste the different clips into one, then used this weird video thing, and then it stretched it..
so its very stretched, and very bad quality :p

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoFtLvFi5CM&feature=youtu.be]fargo tricks - YouTube[/ame]

i need ideas on SIMPLE tricks to teach him next? :)

Aw he's such a smartie pants!! You are doing so good with his training!!! :D I need to start doing some with Audrey lol! How about the laying on his back trick? Or does he already do that hehehe.
haha :D hes a really quick learner!
hmm hes actually starting to dangle from my hand, and then i place my hand under his back, and he will lie in my hand for a few seconds but then hes like ok ok i want to go back up now! :p haha


but if i keep working with him lying on his back in my hand, then eventually he will do it on the floor/table..
i thought being a bigger bird would be harder to teach the play dead trick, but i saw a youtube video of this macaw and it would roll over sideways :p was cute!

i was wondering how you teach a bird to fetch? :/ because if fargo got something im sure he would just fly off with it ;)
Good boy, Fargo! Great job on his training, can't wait to see what he learns next.
Aw he's on his back haha! I love birdy's laying on their back. I think the more you do it he will get better. Its a trust thing. Audrey has only just started to do it NOW after a year lol!
Fetch would be SO cute! Lmao I can just imagine you throwing him something then he flies off with it!
thanks guys! so proud of him so far :)

hahaha im going to see fargo just lying upside on the couch watching tv soon ;)

kc you should train audrey to do tricks! :D

haha yes -.- im trying to figure out what to use though.. because those plastic ball things, i think he would pick it up and just snap it :p
Awesome clip, Tab. Thanks for sharing. I agree with kc, Fargo is one clever boy. :D

Niko lays in my hand - IF he's in the mood. ;)

Check out Plax' clips, he plays with his Macs on the floor, while they're on their backs and it's too cute. I want to try this myself with Niko.

And (another Plax idea) you could try teaching him Eagle bird, where he spreads his wings on command.

How about dancing? Where he bobs his head up and down?

Just some ideas...
haha thank you :D

i saw that! super cute :) might take fargo a while to trust me that much ;) haha let me know how it goes with niko!

yes will try and teach him to stick his wings up.. he lets me hold them up for a few seconds, so will try and get him used to holding them up :p

and how would i get him to dance? :/ i havnt seen him bob before unless hes talking
and how would i get him to dance? :/ i havnt seen him bob before unless hes talking

Put on your dancing shoes, turn up the music, put Fargo on your arm and party away. :) That's how Niko learned, lol.
hahahah ohhh this shall be a fun experience ;) i am a terrible dancer.. fargos going to be like what is she doing! :eek:

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