Hello everybody, me and my wife own a female amazon for aroun 15 year her name is ziko, ziko is aroun 18-20 years old.
Ziko is very friendly parrot, bounded with my wife she spends all day on her shoulder eating sleeping or playing.
So one day 6 mouths ago we decided to adopt another one male amazon croky,
Croky was 3 months old when we adopted him.
From the first day the young croky fall in love with ziko and alway i mean alway 24h a day want to be next to her but she doesn't want him at all, so this is a problem for her cos he doesn't let her in peace.
4 months pass and croky was not paying attention at us at all, all he wanted is ziko and to fly like crazy.
So after a Google and YouTube researcha, we decide to trim his features "we are not proud of this, and we are really sorry for this mistake"
Now croky can me only long jumps,
He is accepting food from our hand and he is even coming on our hand when we trick him with something tasty
But as long there is no food he dont want to see us he literally running away from us
All he want is ziko.
Hes cage is always clean and full of toys.
Please help us to make him to like us.
Ziko is very friendly parrot, bounded with my wife she spends all day on her shoulder eating sleeping or playing.
So one day 6 mouths ago we decided to adopt another one male amazon croky,
Croky was 3 months old when we adopted him.
From the first day the young croky fall in love with ziko and alway i mean alway 24h a day want to be next to her but she doesn't want him at all, so this is a problem for her cos he doesn't let her in peace.
4 months pass and croky was not paying attention at us at all, all he wanted is ziko and to fly like crazy.
So after a Google and YouTube researcha, we decide to trim his features "we are not proud of this, and we are really sorry for this mistake"
Now croky can me only long jumps,
He is accepting food from our hand and he is even coming on our hand when we trick him with something tasty
But as long there is no food he dont want to see us he literally running away from us

Hes cage is always clean and full of toys.
Please help us to make him to like us.