Eyelids red probem, hope get help


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Jan 9, 2024
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sun conure, conure
Sun conure, over 1 year old, and his eyelids turns a bit red nowadays. These photos took after I applying some
oculentum erythromycini on the eyelids.
Hope anyone could give any suggestion since parrot be considered as pet is a very new issue in China that hardly find
any professional and experienced doctor.
Thank you so much!
This looks like some kind of allergy or infection, though as we are not vets on this forum we can’t really diagnose. I understand not being able to find a vet who knows how to treat birds. Whatever is going on with your bird’s eyes, making sure that they have a healthy diet is one of the best things you can do. This keeps their immune system healthy so that they can fight off things like mild infections, allergies, and illnesses. Lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruit, and some cooked egg are all good foods for your bird. If this redness near the eyes continues, Terramycin is an antibacterial eye ointment that is generally safe for birds and can sometimes be purchased without prescription. Otherwise, you can continue to use the Erythromycin but use all antibiotics with caution and watch for any negative reaction from your bird. I would encourage you to continue looking for an avian vet if the problem doesn’t get better soon. ❤️
With this presenting on both eyes and in the same location makes it difficult to define as such things appear in one eye and when in two eyes rarely in the same location.

When did you notice this?
Maybe this will help? Good luck.

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