Here is my GCC that I purchased about 3 weeks ago. He was about 8 weeks old when I got him and he is now 11 weeks. We have come along way. Although he was hand raised he was a little on the nippy side when i first got him although he wasnt like that where I bought him, only when i put him in his new enviroment. Anyway 3 weeks later and after numerous touch / click training sessions he now steps up and down, and sits on my shoulder for hours and gives tons of little kisses. He is unbelievable. I love this little guy, he brings a lot of joy into my life and my kids love him too. I also purchaes a flightsuit so he can not go to the bathroom on you, and I put it on him for the first time last night after introducing it to him over time. Well he let me put it on although he wasn't to happy about it, but dealth with it and seemed to accept it pretty good for the first time. He had it on for about 1 hours and nipped at it here and there but was great with it, and i expect it will get better. I will keep you guys posted on this little guy from time to time. From another happy GCC owner...
P.S. Just FYI, that is his travel cage that he is on. I use that when I go to my girl's house on the weekends He comes with me
P.S. Just FYI, that is his travel cage that he is on. I use that when I go to my girl's house on the weekends He comes with me