Emergency please respond quick!

Sep 18, 2022
African grey
Hello, just a few mins ago I left my African grey a bit. I returned and saw him chewing on the wires of my ac. I got him off and relized that the left size of his back had this platinum color and smelled like something burning. What should I do in this case? And help. Please its very worrying for me. You can see below in the picture his feather around that area is yellowish and his beak has some platinum of it. His smell is like really ugly bad burning smell.
You and your grey maybe very lucky as your grey had not gotten a full electrical shock. At this point you are left with having to keep a close eye over the next several days watching for physical (muscular) mental (stroke, speech, etc.) issues.

Although you can see and smell several indicators of an electrical discharge, your Grey appears to have been very, very lucky indeed.

What Boats said!

If you'd like veterinary input at some point...
Most of us swear by our avian vets in the event of health concerns.
Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.

Good luck!
Iā€™m guessing the poster means ā€œthe left side of his BEAKā€? I see that lighter color on the side of his beak. (Was confused trying to look at his neck or back).

It sounds like your grey was very lucky not to be fatally shocked. I would bring him to the vet to make sure that there are no damages or residual effects. I hope he is OK!!
Definitely an avian veterinarian.
Post electric shock, the lungs can fill with fluid. At least I've seen this in cats and dogs in the emergency clinic.

Plus if metal was ingested, there are some treatments for heavy metal poisoning, treatments to help pass , or retrieval . And its much better to proactive, than wait. If there was even a possibility
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You and your grey maybe very lucky as your grey had not gotten a full electrical shock. At this point you are left with having to keep a close eye over the next several days watching for physical (muscular) mental (stroke, speech, etc.) issues.

Although you can see and smell several indicators of an electrical discharge, your Grey appears to have been very, very lucky indeed.
Will these speaking issues ever go away?
With electrical shock, there are no guaranties beyond your Grey is currently alive and getting around okay. This may sound over the top, but you are so very lucky that every day is a blessing.
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Speaking issues?

Did you take your very lucky little fellow to the vet? It would be good to see if thereā€™s any damage to him. I worry that tissue may have been burnt or otherwise injured.

Please tell us how he is doing.
They do not open yet. Im still waiting. Every other vet either will not get birds or will give wrong medicines because they are not certified. But as for how heā€™s doing, the first day i got very scared and watched him for hours and comforted him. But he is doing like normal, no facial problems And the smell went away. He is active as usual and naughty. He talks as usual.
Ive done emergency Avian visits to the avian vet before i know its so scary, but they are very helpful and mine will not charge me an emergency fee if everything turned out to be ok , always worth going

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