Ellsies coming home round 2


New member
Mar 19, 2011
"Ellsie" Female, 2 years old, Senegal
Well...... I sold Ellsie to a family in the hope it would cure her aggresion towards people, and that we could pair her up with a male that agin would maybe calm her down or at least make her happier ...

Unfortunately she has not taken to the family very well and has serverly attacked various members and they now feel thay cant have her, i parise that they tried her best for her, but as i have always thought... ANIMALS PICK YOU! and i am her chosen one!!!!!!

Im thinking that after having time apart, around amonth, i can really tackle her training from fresh. and now i have broken up for the summer i have time to work with her.

Im thinking of clipping as soon as she returns, purely so she has to accept that she needs people to help her move around. Im still not 100% happy with this, but it has become drastic...

So here comes Ellsir round 2......ding ding.

Any advice how i can truely take this head on would be great.
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Also the family are considering taking there male to a sactuary...

i feel aweful for this.... i want him SO bad... my neighbours hate me for one screaming bird let alone two and severe lack of space.... im thinking, i have an animla sanctuary down the road..... i could take him..... if it truely goes so bad i will take him myself...but i could give him a chance...just one..... but a matter of getting the boyfriend to agree to this....

apparently the boy is super 'excited' to have her near him.... they talk to each other and seem fine, put them in the same cage and apparaenly she screams something cronic as if she was in sever pain.... can this be helped or just a normal reaction?please help me work this out ASAP as i have to get her tomorrow and decide if i take both!!! Thanks x
humm i spoke to my nearest avian vet, an they point blank refuse to clip a bird, so i hope yours have different views

well things with nut have been alot better, and i am sure they will improve with ellsie, as i only have the nut, i have no idea why ellsie behaves that way towards the male, but it could be that she is not choosing him as a mate or just does not like to share a cage?
I don't think pairing her with a male helped any. If anything it would make her more aggressive and standoffish especially if they were compatable.
ty mike i love the killi videos :)

i might try the target training with nut, fingers cross while i still have them to cross lol

an lol merlin :)
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She is now home, and happy as she ever was me, infact sat on my lap now as im on the lap top.

With the male, they were fine out of the cage, no agression and showed lots of intrest.... she wondered into his cage as was fine, until he thought about getting frisky and apparently she freaked out went to the bottom of the cage and did that horrible horrible scream that you could mistake for sever pain.
she was taken out, and fine again, and happy to see the male again.

They are trying to pair him with another bird, i will be taking the boy if it does not sucseed as they want to give him to rescue centre, which i have to try my best to stop.

They were only together no longer than a month, so i feel there needs to be more time taken to see if they will like each other.

I do not mind if it made the birds less tame by being partnered so long as i thought the birds were happy.

The scream i realise was terror, but does anyone belive this can be fixed? (note; no physical agression betwene the two, in and out of cage)

Th ecage they will have together has been desgned for 2 macaws/Too's and other large parrots, so as you can imagine 2 senegals will have all teh room in the world... though obviously will be a while before i could trust them alone together

in short

... do i have any chances of getting this right?!

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