Ekkie not squawking....??


New member
Jul 19, 2012
St. Louis, MO
TESLA-Congo African Grey
VINNY - Vasmaeri Eclectus
Hi guys,

I just rescued my 2nd Eclectus.....this time a girl named Gemma. She is about 5yrs or so (not sure) and the sweetest, sweetest!!!

I have a weird question....does anyone else have one that doesn't make a parrot squawk noise? At all?
I have only had her since NYE so maybe she will later....but I've done all sorts of things to her and even things she doesn't want me to do....(get her out from under a chair etc...) and nothing!
She says "Whatcha doing" and "What's up" and "Hi" and laughs and laughs....no squawk though....and I haven't even heard her do that chit chatter thing they tend to do.

The weirdest is when I took her to get her nails done...they toweled her and you could tell she wasn't liking it and her nails were INCREDIBLE so they probably haven't been done in forever.....but only one little ERRRP noise. That's it. The people at the bird place said that Ekkies are usually squawking their heads off and I know my male would've been doing that.
My boy Vinny is only 5 months old and he is always making that crow noise and esp if I do something he doesn't like.

Just wondering what others think. She's such a mystery and it's been so fun finding out new things about her all the time.
My Galah is very similar to that and would only make a quite peep unless she was terrified where she would do a loud harsh squawk(I've only heard this 8 times, very rare). Now that I've had her and she's gotten healthy and has her strength back, accompanied by learning how to be a happy normal bird her peep is louder, and on rare occasion's she will do celebration signing in the evening for a minute. She is still the quietest bird I know XD

You'll have a lot of fun watching your eclectus come out of it's shell
Gemma the ekkie you've "adopted" is probably like my adopted Gracie who is pretty much quiet 99% of the time. My ekkies prefer talking, whistle, making funny noises, etc. over screaming. They rarely scream, only on occasions when something is wrong. Like if the dogs went into their room they will scream. If a stranger walks in they scream as well. But they don't mind the cats for some reason as they make meowing noises to the cats.

When I clip Gracie's nails, I towel her and she does great and never scream once. But she coo a lot....They really are very special birds!!!
You are lucky! :) Haha.

My girl is MOSTLY quiet, Lol! She usually just chatters, no squawking. And I had the same comment at the vet, they had to give her a needle every week for a month, and when they would towel her and give her the needle she would just sit there in silence and then cuddle the vet after! Some birds are just well behaved haha!
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Well that is good to know! I know they say they are typically quiet birds but my Vinny is the opposite of that....he's not a screamer but he is constantly making some sort of noise.

She is still in quarantine right now, so I can't wait til that's over so that I can add her to the bird room....I'm sure she's bored all day in my office while I'm at work. :(
Well that is good to know! I know they say they are typically quiet birds but my Vinny is the opposite of that....he's not a screamer but he is constantly making some sort of noise.

She is still in quarantine right now, so I can't wait til that's over so that I can add her to the bird room....I'm sure she's bored all day in my office while I'm at work. :(

I'm just SO glad she's with you now, in her awesome forever home. :) Perhaps once she's fully acclimated, and in the same room with Vinny, she'll start squaking for you.

Careful though what you wish for ;) Once she finds her "vocal cords", she may not stop using them. :D

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