

New member
May 1, 2024
Morrison the ecckie
Hi there, and welcome. You have 2 beautiful Ekkie’s.

Violet seems like a beautiful female Ekkie name to me.

How old are your Ekkie’s? Are you breeding them?

I have a male Ekkie I adopted a few years back. He thinks I’m his girlfriend & no one is going to convince him otherwise. He is a great provider.

Be careful with your Ekkie’s they are sensitive. My male is always tuned into what I’m doing, and he knows when I’m home even without me speaking. I rarely get a minute to myself.
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Thanks guys the male is 18 months the female is 9 months they are happy the male puts her in her place if she steps out of order as he’s supposed to they are both eating sharing the bowel I will keep my eye on them but at the moment they getting along fine thanks for the advice if anything changes I will separate them. They are both very observant and happy
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  • #7
Hi there, and welcome. You have 2 beautiful Ekkie’s.

Violet seems like a beautiful female Ekkie name to me.

How old are your Ekkie’s? Are you breeding them?

I have a male Ekkie I adopted a few years back. He thinks I’m his girlfriend & no one is going to convince him otherwise. He is a great provider.

Be careful with your Ekkie’s they are sensitive. My male is always tuned into what I’m doing, and he knows when I’m home even without me speaking. I rarely get a minute to myself.
Yes mine are very observant but happy eat together share the perch at night when I’m covering them they are very nosey but funny no not breeding them
I put my Ekkie to bed at 8pm and uncover him between 9-10am. I feel like he whines a lot more when he’s tired. Are your Ekkie’s extremely routine as well? He wants to go on walks first thing in the morning like we usually do. He refuses to eat until his walk takes place. Otherwise he just sits there and screams on the days I can’t take him.
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I put my Ekkie to bed at 8pm and uncover him between 9-10am. I feel like he whines a lot more when he’s tired. Are your Ekkie’s extremely routine as well? He wants to go on walks first thing in the morning like we usually do. He refuses to eat until his walk takes place. Otherwise he just sits there and screams on the days I can’t take him.
We put ours to bed about 8:30 and wake them up about 8:30 they have breakfast then come out and want to play not much screaming to be honest they just love play time
I would caution you against housing them together. Females have been known to kill the males or to starve them by keeping them from eating. It’s best to house them separately.
We have both Female and a Male Eclectus. The Female for approx 5 years the Male approx 2 1/2 now, we aquired the Male at approx 5weeks (I now early). At the time the Male fledged we gradually introduced both gradually. We had a small cage which we put the young Male in, this small cage we put inside the day cage for approx 2 months. The Female at first was aggressive and didnt want anything to do with the Male, after the 2 months we let the Male out of the smaller cage. The Female chased him for a time the boy was to quick for her and manage to avoid her, gradually they got used to each other. No they are buddies and must be together especially the boy at all times, he performs if they are apart. Now they feed each other and play together and are begining to mate.
We were fortunate just being retired so we were able to supervise at all times.
Just with aquiring the male at 5 weeks, we bought him online the seller had 3 males which he sold at the same time. After I read that this was irresponsible changing their familiar environment so young. Our boy has turned out I feel fine, my wife hand raised him and now they are inseprable when inside at night and he has verbal diarrhea.
Sorry about the long winded comment, if you have time it is possible to get a male and female housed together

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