Eclectus? or really sexy Lorikeet?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
NSW, Australia
1 male Eclectus, Poe.
Interesting incidence today.
so, I was sitting outside having breakfast with Poe on a harness nibbling porridge. Some semi-tame rainbow lorikeets hang around the house as they get fed, so are far from scared of people to the point of jumping on you and demanding food. The Lorikeets were eyeing up Poe, no idea what to think of him and being very timid. They fluttered back and forth, screeching in fear when he made a move towards them.
Then, one of them flew up to him and started regurgitating!!
Oh yes, they thought he was one good looking bird! I guess sharing many of their colours meant he was a just an over-sized, unique one of them. They also clearly didn't realise that he was male... or didn't care.

At 13 weeks old, Poe didn't really seem to know what was going on. Maybe for the best.
You need to be careful of PBFD, lorikeets are notorious carriers and it would devastate a young bird like Poe. There is an eclectus owner with a PBFD bird on this forum.

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