Eastern Rosella


New member
Jul 3, 2016
I have an Eastern Rosella that is about 7 years old. As many hours as I have invested in trying to get her to trust me, with never giving her a bad experience, other than a beak trim, she is unruly and actually not nice at all. I adore her and do not want to give up, but have become discouraged.

This bird has her own cage that she rarely uses simply because she refuses to go in it. If I see her in the cage, she immediately flys out. She is housed in a very large room with other caged small birds such as finches and canaries, but ignores them. She does not seem happy at all and I am feeling hopeless that I can change her mood.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I wanted to welcome you to the forum, and bump this again.
I have no experience with Rosellas, but hopefully someone will come along who can help.
I'm glad you joined us, and plumsmum started you of with some wonderful links.
From my understanding, rosellas are considered aviary birds. That is, they don't make great "pets" like other species. They may not enjoy scritches or physical attention, but they might be ok as "shoulder" pets, if they like you. For this reason, rosellas are probably typically parent raised birds instead of hand raised.

How long have you had her for, and what have you done to try and earn her trust?
Rosella's are beautiful birds but as a rule do not make good pets. Most hand raised birds end up with a virtually wild type nature by 12 months of age. I can't offer much advice except that the bird would probably be happier in an aviary rather than a bird room.

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