Ear tugging


New member
Oct 23, 2011
Natalbany, Louisiana
sun conure
Sunshine, my sun conure has very odd habit of sitting on my shulder and raidly tugging on my ears. This doesn't hurt, she has a light hold on the lower lobe and bobs her head up and down. This started out as very cute and now I am having to stear her away when she starts, because this has started irritating my ear lobes. Does anyone know why she does this? I would be so gratefull for any ideas. Thanks Jan
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It's really not a bite, it can go into a nippy sort nibble. She just barely holds the lobe and shakes repeatedly. If I let her she will shake untill my lobe is wet. She has started doing this as soon as I let her out of her cage and will do this untill I keep her away long enough for her to find something else to do. This doesn't hurt at all untill she starts to nibble or it just become irritated from the friction and saliva.
Maybe she's trying to regurgitate into your ear? XD
Depending on her age. If she is matured its possible she is trying to feed your ear. However it is something to be discouraged. You may even have to resort to covering your ears with ear muffs or something. Because you have allowed her to do it you have reinforced the behavior. Now to stop it. Each time she trys immediately remove her from your shoulder. Keep doing this & give her something else to do even if you give her a shower, but you must be consistant because if it doesn't stop now she could get aggressive & bite really hard.
Well, my first comment!
My green cheek conure does that to my dad a lot too, but she's only done it maybe once or twice to me. I wasn't sure why at first, but then I realized that she'll be on my dad's shoulder for a long period of time, just standing there, while I usually keep her active by putting her on my lap and letting her climb all over me and playing with some kind of toy.
So it could be that your bird's just bored and has nothing to play with. Just my thoughts :)
Puck does something similar with toys when he's got a crazy-bird energy burst. I think removing her from your shoulder when she does this would be a good idea.

I also second the possible boredom comment. Puck needs something to do when he's on my shoulder. I actually had a bird-toy necklace made for him, so he doesn't play with my hair (he pulls it, ouch) or my fancy necklaces, and he has something to grab onto while we're running around.
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Depending on her age. If she is matured its possible she is trying to feed your ear. However it is something to be discouraged. You may even have to resort to covering your ears with ear muffs or something. Because you have allowed her to do it you have reinforced the behavior. Now to stop it. Each time she trys immediately remove her from your shoulder. Keep doing this & give her something else to do even if you give her a shower, but you must be consistant because if it doesn't stop now she could get aggressive & bite really hard.
Yes I have definitely decided this has to be discouraged, even thought about the ear muffs earlier today. It seems that just covering my ear with my hands and telling her no has worked pretty well for today. She is only about 7 months old, so I don't know about the feeding thing. Thanks for your interest and input
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Puck does something similar with toys when he's got a crazy-bird energy burst. I think removing her from your shoulder when she does this would be a good idea.
That could be it because sometimes she starts as soon as I take her out of her cage
I also second the possible boredom comment. Puck needs something to do when he's on my shoulder. I actually had a bird-toy necklace made for him, so he doesn't play with my hair (he pulls it, ouch) or my fancy necklaces, and he has something to grab onto while we're running around.
I keep diifferent toys for her in her cage and near our sofa and also at the computer station may be she needs different toys than I have given her. I'm always looking for ways to interact with and entertain her. At the moment my keyboard is doing the job, although she's not crazy about our interaction- she wants to walk all over an investigate and I'm doing all I can to keep her off; This is my first conure , actualy the first bird I have had such a close relationship with, so I know little and have so much to learn. I have browsed through all the conure pages and read what I thought would help and have found it all helpfull, but I know there is so much to learn. Thank you all for being here to help
I just remembered a bitter-tasting product that you can put on things you don't want your pet to chew on. The dog one is called Bitter Apple, I don't know if the bird one is the same or not.

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