Dwayne the Jardine and a couple questions from a Beginner


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Quebec, Canada
Lesser Jardine's Parrot - Dwayne, Sun Conure - Zoe
Hey everyone, joined the forum last night and said Id throw some pictures up here of my Lesser Jardine as soon as I could so here you go:



Hes a young little boy, just a bit over 2 months. I took him a bit early because I heard that they bond better to you if you hand feed them when theyre babies and my girlfriend has plenty experience with hand feeding baby birds. I just wanted to know if its normal that he's still being hand fed twice a day. He eats Tropican from hagen really well on his own and fruits and veggies too, but he still wants to be hnadfed in the morning. At night he doesnt really "ask" for it until I get him out and show him the dropper. He currently weighs 220 grams. Also hes very bad at climbing at the moment he spends all day at the bottom of his cage, I saw him climb maybe 3 inches off the cage floor the last week. Ive noticed his balance has gotten better since I got him two Mondays ago. Hes only been in my care for 8 days and he seems to be doing good hes getting used to climbing on my finger though I do have to kind of push him a little bit from behind. I felt bad for him not being able to access his hanging toys so I bought him some javawood balls to play with at the bottom of his cage but its like hes afraid of them his opens his beak and lets out a sort of growl. Hes not very social at the moment he doesnt really enjoy being beat right now, is this normal? Sorry for all the questions just want to make sure Im doing everything right!
Is he eating normaly ? I mean spending most of the time on bottom of the cage ? balance is not good ? Wait to other members opinion and se if they also recoment to visit a avian vet.
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Is he eating normaly ? I mean spending most of the time on bottom of the cage ?

Yup, I put food in the bowls up top but I also put two shallow dishes of Tropican and fresh cut vegetables and fruit at the bottom of his cage, he also eats a treat (either Avi-Cakes or Nutriberry) once a day. Whenever I change his food he jumps on it and eats right away no hesitation he even has begun balancing on one foot and holding food in the other as he eats it.
He is very handsome. Do you have a towel at the bottom of the cage for him? It would be much more comfortable then the cage grate. Also, as people told me when I brought home my very clumsy baby grey, just lower all perches and food bowls to make it easier.
If you have ANY doubts whatso ever, Id take him to a vet, even if you dont have doubts, Take him to a vet anyway, you want to make sure he is healthy. even from a breeder, you never know.

just over two months old? that sounds like a LITTLE baby. Just because they are fully feathered dosent mean they are adults, I would still keep feeding him food morning and night, not only would it make the bird bond better with you, it will fill his gullet for the night, they dont eat at night and some birds dont get enough food for all night and end up really hungry (and cranky) in the morning.

From all the info I have been looking up, I would guess the baby is still too young to be climbing yet. From wild info Ive collected from the net, I learned that parent parrots keep their chicks in the nest for as long as they can, as long as they can keep pushing the chick back into the nest, is how long they will stay in the nest, that can take up to 6 months before the chick is strong enough to push his way free of his parents. That bit of info, in and of itself says hes still a chick.

if it were me, Id treat him like one, keep everything down low, put a towel on the floor, hold and baby him, and get some cat toys, the little balls with bells in them, and puzzle feeders, it will keep him entertained while hes on the floor, dont move anything up until he is good at climbing, you dont want him to fall.
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Your bird is soo cute :) Good luck! Hope you two enjoy a life filled with happiness. :)
He is a beautiful little boy!!
He is beautiful!!! I love that little face.

When I got my eclectus, he was still on two feedings a day and he chose when to stop getting formula. After a while, he didn't seem interested. I don't know if that is the way it is will all birds, because he's the only one I hand fed.

He was also pretty clumsy as a little baby and I had to keep him in a shorter cage where he wouldn't climb up and fall.
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Thanks xreinx for the info ive lowered his perches, however hes still not using them or any of his toys besides his rope with coloured wooden blocks and bell. Hes learning things very quickly. Hes not aggressive whatsoever I can do ANYTHING with him, hes also starting to do the "up" on my finger and to this day hasnt crapped on me, whenever he needs to go he starts complaining and I put him in his cage and he drops a deuce ad I take him back out. Im still feeding him twice a day and hes eating that a bit less, he was eating 20 mls in the morning and night but now after about 12mls he backs up and runs away, lol. Then I'll put him in his cage and he eats his tropican pellets. The only seeds hes getting at the moment are the ones in his avicakes and nutriberries, he gets either of those treats once per day. He also really like sugar snap peas.

I mentioned that I lowered some perches but I also lowered some toys and he has two balls of java wood to play with on the ground and a papertowl carton roll plus his ceramic water bowl to bathe in. Seems like hes doing excellent but the other people in my house arent holding him enough it seems as hes only really happy with me, he kind of lets out a low growl at anyone else who goes to handle him.

Also been reading a lot of posts here and everyones recommending watching training videos on youtube. Can anyone recommend me a couple videos and or channels on training the bird?

Thanks all for the kind comments!
Absolutely gorgeous feather coloring on your baby! I would definately be saving feathers to do something creative with when he molts. :)

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