drsfostersmith sale!!

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Sep 29, 2018
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African Ringneck
Drsfostersmith is having a up to 40% sale on their brand stuff and if you use honey it might give you a 20% coupon like it did to me.

its so good!! i just got a cage for my african ringneck, perches, toys, and two bags of nutriberries all for the total of $329 when the cage itself would be $329 if it wasn't on sale. (the cage was originally $329.99 and i got it for $204)

SOOOO good, check it out guys.:green2:
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I love Drs. Foster and Smith! When PetCo bought them they had a great perches and pellets and play gyms sale!
Thank you for sharing this information! I've heard about it, but I've read more about it now. I like to shop at Drsfostersmith. It's a great place.
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Oh, Chris, you... you... you REALIST, you. Thanks for the fact-check. :) xo
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