Drinking Water


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Mountains of New Mexico, USA
Yogi, a 12 year old blue fronted amazon and Raj, an unknown age lilac crowned amazon.
Hi all, new guy here. I have a question about drinking water for my birds.

I have a 12 year old blue fronted amazon "Yogi", and an unknown age lilac crowned amazon "Raj". We moved to a house in the mountains of New Mexico about 9 years ago, in an area that does not have a community water system. I buy and haul water to my house from a nearby rancher who has a well. That water is very hard and is of unknown quality, so I also buy bottled drinking water (5 gallon bottles) for us. The bottled water is purified by filters and reverse osmosis, which, I understand, removes most of the "good" minerals.

The birds don't seem to complain, but I was wondering if the "RO" water was OK for them? They eat mostly the same stuff I eat and get no other supplements. They have been doing well all these years.

Thanks in advance!
RO is fine. My grey drank it for many, many years without complaint as did I :D
I agree. Your vet will tell you if your birds are lacking any minerals, or nutrients. Water that's good for you should be fine for them.
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Thank you all for the replies. Our avian vet always remarks how good our birds look, bright colors etc. Probably nothing to do with the water but the good "people" food we give them. Mostly fruits and veggies, hardly any nuts and seeds.
Thank you all again.

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