Don't tame it if you want to sell it!

Buzzsaw was a shredder. Like seriously, hard core shredder. I lost a bulletin board to her. Was gone overnight when it was in her reach! She also shredded some artwork, which I wasn't very impressed about, LOL!

As for Shra'yle and Pro'to.. Because I was so new to birds, I didn't take proper care of them and missed the signs that they were sick. They died 3 months after I got them because of a respiratory infection that I didn't notice until it was too late. I'm glad I lost them at the same time, because I managed to have birds since then that have survived due to what I learned!
Wow, it must have been hard losing both of them. I'm so sorry. 😔

Buzzsaw really is a handful! 😂 I shouldn't be laughing, but I can"/ help it. 😅 A 1.3 oz bird destroying a bulletin board overnight is funny! The art work isn't funny at all. 🤨
Stop being a bird tease It's been a week since we had an are hoarding all the budgie fun for yourself!
A local breeder promised I could have first pick from her violet colored, single factor spangle, clear wing clutch. I was so excited, I purchased a cage in anticipation.

I was ready and waiting, except for one small green problem: the cage-seller surprised me with a tenant. Inside the cage was a two year old, yellow/green male budgie. That's my least favorite color because it's so ordinary.

She stated she didn't have time for the little guy she named Byrdie.

I felt sorry for the little guy who had no idea his life was about to drastically change. But my plan for the cage did NOT include Byrdie.

First I googled to see if he could survive if I turned him loose. We live near Galveston. Nope, he wouldn't survive. I hated moving him to another home again, but I didn't choose him. He wasn't my bird, but I was responsible to help him get a good home.

I felt Byrdie's common green/yellow color was going make him hard to rehome. So, while waiting for my dream bird, I decided to practice working on Byrdie. I'd see if I could get him off an 'all seed' diet and teach him to step up on command. I believed it would make him more desirable to rehome if he was tame.

That was a BIG mistake! While I was working on Byrdie, Byrdie was working on me!

After 2 weeks, he shocked me by flying across the room to me! I actually caught it on video. I attached the video for y'all to watch.

Then he delighted me by accepting different foods; as long as I held them in my hand (with him on my finger). So far, he's eaten boiled egg, spinach, apple, orange, and sprouted seeds.

Two weeks after he flew to me, while he was sitting on my shoulder, he began talking! He said, "What 'cha doin? Byrdie Bird. Good boy sweet bird." That did it.

I was outsmarted by the little stinker! Now I won't be getting a beautiful violet spangle baby because to continue talking, Byrdie has to be an only bird. I'm disappointed 💔 about the baby, but if I got it, I'd have to give up Byrdie. I can't do it.

I've fallen in ❤️ love with an ordinary colored, extraordinary budgie. I didn't choose him, HE chose me! 💞

You know what they say, "You can't judge a bird by it's color."😂😂😂
You are so sweet to have taken him in, I have to admit I was a little shocked that you considered releasing him, lol-😅 maybe you live in Australia?
Honestly, the poor little guy, this was the breeder/sellers responsibility and it’s not right what she did to you, i feel she took advantage of your kind loving nature.
But hey, maybe it was fate?

I will say that my budgie continues to talk even after I adopted my second bird, a Linnie. Idk if it’s different with budgies, but English is the only language my budgie knows so that probably won’t stop!
So you may be ok getting another birdy someday … I also know a YouTube bird influencer who has a talking budgie, plus one or two other budgies, conures, and other birds… I think the talking budgie has its own cage though.
I’m only mentioning it bc I know how extremely social budgies are and if you aren’t home all day, or if you have to leave the house once in a while 😂… they do love to have company …
You are so sweet to have taken him in, I have to admit I was a little shocked that you considered releasing him, lol-😅 maybe you live in Australia?
Honestly, the poor little guy, this was the breeder/sellers responsibility and it’s not right what she did to you, i feel she took advantage of your kind loving nature.
But hey, maybe it was fate?

I will say that my budgie continues to talk even after I adopted my second bird, a Linnie. Idk if it’s different with budgies, but English is the only language my budgie knows so that probably won’t stop!
So you may be ok getting another birdy someday … I also know a YouTube bird influencer who has a talking budgie, plus one or two other budgies, conures, and other birds… I think the talking budgie has its own cage though.
I’m only mentioning it bc I know how extremely social budgies are and if you aren’t home all day, or if you have to leave the house once in a while 😂… they do love to have company …
Hi! No, I don't live in Australia, but we have tons of wild Quakers here (Galveston area). It was a 'thought' to turn him loose, but FIRST I researched to see if it was safe for budgies.

If our climate had been safe, I'd rather have set him free than rehome him. I've seen too many budgies kept in tiny cages with no attention once the new wears off. It's cruel.

BUT, Byrdie has the best life I can give him. I'm retired, so he gets plenty of attention. His wings are not clipped, and I open his cage doors as soon as I wake up. He's out all day, and he flies to me when he wants. He also comes when called, which is adorable.

If you TikTok, put boxerfriend in the search box and watch Byrdie's videos! :)

Thanks for sharing information about your birds. That's good to know!
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Hi! No, I don't live in Australia, but we have tons of wild Quakers here (Galveston area). It was a 'thought' to turn him loose, but FIRST I researched to see if it was safe for budgies.

If our climate had been safe, I'd rather have set him free than rehome him. I've seen too many budgies kept in tiny cages with no attention once the new wears off. It's cruel.

BUT, Byrdie has the best life I can give him. I'm retired, so he gets plenty of attention. His wings are not clipped, and I open his cage doors as soon as I wake up. He's out all day, and he flies to me when he wants. He also comes when called, which is adorable.

If you TikTok, put boxerfriend in the search box and watch Byrdie's videos! :)

Thanks for sharing information about your birds. That's good to know!
I'm so happy to hear that you and Byrdie are doing so well. It's a real gift when you find the perfect budgie and sometimes the perfect budgie isn't your favorite color.
I'm so happy to hear that you and Byrdie are doing so well. It's a real gift when you find the perfect budgie and sometimes the perfect budgie isn't your favorite color.
I didn't plan on him,
Yet he's more valued than a gem.
He's a tacky green and yellow,
But I love this little fellow!

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