I am rather new to the parrot world. I have a 4 month old timnah grey. She (we think) does not stay on her play pen on top of her cage well. I do put her in her cage for five minutes after she jumps off for a time out. I have two cocker spaniels. They watch her with great anticipation. I have been keeping the dogs locked out of the room when she is on the playpen. I would love to be able to have her on her cage and the dogs out when I am at least in the room. Any suggestions? I know lots of people have dogs and parrots. I just want to make safe decisions and not make the bird so interesting to the dogs and make them so jelous of the bird that they will never be able to be in the same room. I am pretty sure if she bites them once they will steer clear as the dogs are not large or agressive but they are "bird" dogs genetically.