Dog with bird Allergy?


New member
Mar 25, 2014
2 moustached parakeets, 2 Sun conures, 20 cockatiels, 11 English budgies
I have a cocker spaniel who seems to be a typical puppy mill dog. Chronic ear infections, skin infections etc. The vet bills are getting out of hand ($200 a month at least for the ears only). Now he's suddenly come down with what appears to be pink eye or some sort of eye infection. Nothing in the house has changed except we added a new bird and a perch play area which makes it easy shopping for the dog to get food the birds drop. I'm thinking he may have gotten some bird poop particles in his eyes which caused the infection..but I don't know. Anyone ever hear of a dog with bird allergies?

I've actually been considering lately having him put down. it will break my family's heart since we have had him for 4 years but it seems his quality of life is suffering with all of these issues he has. We are constantly having to medicate him for these infections and he just doesn't seem like a happy dog most of the time, although you can tell he's feeling good after a monthly ear pack. It just doesn't make sense to keep going with the way he is. Now with the eye issue on top of his normal problems it's like omg, what else can possibly happen with the poor guy.
Ive never heard of a dog with a bird dander allergy but cockers are know for skin / ear problems. The good news is that usually a generalized eye infection will clear quickly and easily with the right medication. Make sure to use it exactly as the dr prescribes and dont miss any doses. If an infection is the only problem and there are no ulcers or scratches present then this condition should be fairly inexpensive to treat, yay! My dogs get bird poop all over them, so far no problems with my dogs. Good Luck!
Dogs with over active immune systems are indeed a challenge. I've seen these dogs get tested to see what they are allergic to and it is never just one thing. Many owners elect to have a custom designed anti-allergy serum developed from the dog's own blood to help relieve the symptoms. Others rely on steroids to keep the dog comfortable.

Cocker spaniels are famous for ears/skin/eye issues and I've always felt sorry for the owners who had to deal with the allergic pet. There is never one answer, and the pet requires constant care. Many owners are overwhelmed by the cost and attention needed to care for these kinds of dogs.

Have a heart to heart talk with your vet. Reveal how you feel and discuss other options. Get a second opinion from another vet and see if other options are available. Having an allergic pet can sometimes be a burden but when the pet's quaility of life is at risk, euthansia is an option.
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I wouldn't have considered euthanasia but my vet suggested it as something to consider eventually. I had been taking my dogs to a different vet and they kept giving me the same meds for Peanut that never worked. One said something about a surgery to open the ear canals but it was never brought back up. So I decided to find a different vet who's treatments would work. I'm pretty happy with the one I found, she had a cocker and knows their problems well, although she insists they are biters when peanut is most definitely not a biter lol. the meds she gives him do work, it's a panalog generic type med, but first she always packs his ears which to him is quite painful on one side in particular since that canal is always closed by swelling. We have had him on steroids which didn't help much with the swelling or the skin. He can only have certain flea meds, things like program and the spot treatments make him break out and itch like crazy so the only thing we have found he can take is capstar when we find a flea. Having 4 dogs and a cat we do get the occasional flea outbreak, since all come and go as they want thru the dog door into a fenced yard.

Anyway, I had mentioned the vet saying that if we thought his quality of life was suffereing we should consider having him put down..He's my husbands dog but I love the little guy and of course feel so sorry for him. I hadn't though of putting him down before that, I mean he's a young dog! But it did get us to thinking and watching him closer to see if he was happy at any other time than when the fridge door opens.

My husband wants to add our old dog to the car ride when the time comes. She's been on borrowed time for several years now due to bad hips. With florida weather being so hot and a non existant winter now for several years we have delayed it. The last bad winter we had she couldn't even climb the steps to come inside and her hips would swell so bad. We treat her with baby asprin on the really bad days but overall she's been pretty happy and still chasing cars down the fence. he says getting both done at the same time would make it easier for our 14yr daughter to deal with.

I put myself in the dogs situation, I wouldn't want to live with chronic pain and on meds that make me feel as bad as steroids are reported to do. I guess I will have to keep thinking that way to make it easier to do when the time is right.
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I absolutely would consider any option too keep him with us.

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