Dog bonding with a parrot


New member
Dec 19, 2016
Hi all,
I would like to ask what type of dog would likely be the friendilest with a parrot. By that i mean see a parrot in the house and not attack it. Of course theyre gonna be supervised .
Sorry for the sarcasm, but I have had to bury 3 very loved feathered companions, killed by VERY trusting dogs over the years! One cost me my marriage! It does not work!
The littler dogs are more feisty, and bigger dogs can do more damage with less force.. so none really. Their saliva as well as ours can give them bad infections as well. Its never advisable to have them legitimately together.
The very best you can hope for is a dog that shows no overt interest in a bird. Good in that you are not constantly having to resist, bad in that complacency can set in potentially leading to a terrible accident.
Yeah there is no good answer, you have to just get lucky and even then a tradgedy can happen in a split second. I have 2 dogs and 4 parrots...One is a 3 year old Australian Cattle Dog that is extremely intelligent and well behaved, and she is obviously jealous of the birds but has never even gone near one of them for fear of getting in trouble and me being mad at her. That being said I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. The second dog is a one-year old male Shar Pei who weighs 100 pounds of muscle and could rip me apart if he wanted to, but is the biggest baby I've ever met. I've had him since he was 12 weeks old and as a puppy from day one he's lived with birds, and it's like he doesn't even notice that they exist. Total ignorance towards the birds. I actually had one moment where I got stuck outside dealing with a psychotic neighbor and a policeman after she called THE STATE POLICE to report I had my car parked on the street out front because my basement had flooded when a pipe froze and the water mitigation company had a pump truck and a dumpster in my driveway...She's crazy...Anyway, while the poor state trooper was talking to her instead of doing something important, I was outside waiting for the cop to come back across the street, and the Shar Pei was out with my green cheek conure...When I came inside the green cheek was sitting on top of the Shar Pei's head while he was snoring...I'm very lucky nothing happened, but again he just pretends he doesn't see them. Had it been the Cattle Dog I may have had a dead bird.

Sorry, you can have a bird and a dog, but you can never, ever, ever let them out together unsupervised, and even when supervised you must keep them separate.

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To broadly generalize, there are some dog breeds that can be overtly hostile to birds, while others are generally tolerant and accepting. The caveat is that any dog can cross the lines and surprise in a millisecond, so constant supervision is mandatory.

I have had many Great Danes and found them totally accepting of birds as family. Also have a Schnauzer and Brussels Griffon who show no interest.
I've got a basset hound. In general they don't care about birds. Jeff is no exception. He could care less about the birds.

That said, he could kill either of them with one bite. He'd just have to find the motivation to move is all. So I rate the risk as very very low.

There are days when eating is to much work for him.
We have a cute little red mutt who shows NO prey drive, is very smart and civilized (unlike the Rickeybird, yes). She's my ol' man's pet, mostly. She's also scared of the bird, as are most animals and people, and doesn't even like to be in the same room, but I'd still never leave her unattended around him. Yeah, one little mistake, and...

Fl, I'm so sorry about those losses, wow...
I have been living with dogs and birds for most of my life now. All 4 of my dogs have been good with the bird. My Shepherd needed the most training but she is good now. My Shepherd is VERY High Prey drive. I can not have rodents. I had a boarder Collie mix with my birds growing up she was the best with all small animals. I also had a PitBull with my old parrot he was great never bothered the bird even when Kiwi fell right at his feet. Our little dog Indy a Pom Mix is perfect with the bird in fact I fear that my bird will hurt him haha.

Train your dog's to ignore the bird at all cost. It does not matter the breed so much. It is all about training and being consistent. Since I got Cookie I discouraged her going after wildbirds. This helped a lot.

Ever since I brought my bird home Cookie has been trained to leave it. She was not allowed to even look at the bird too long. Now they can be in the same room out free with me there.

If you have more question about dogs and birds just ask.
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Thanks. Should i avoid sporting dogs. Are labs and dobermans sport dogs . Do any of you have these dogs?
Thanks. Should i avoid sporting dogs. Are labs and dobermans sport dogs . Do any of you have these dogs?

Labs are sporting dogs. But they are easy to train so with lots of consistent training a Lab could be ok with a bird. Doberman is in the working breed group. They are pretty easy to train so they could work too.

It comes down to training really how much time do you have to train a dog to behave around a bird?

Here is a photo of the perfect way a Dog and bird should bond. My dog and crazy bird.

What are you looking for in a dog? Size? energy level? Training?

Newfound lands, Saint Bernard, and Great Pyrenees. These are big dogs that are often good with small house pets when trained to be around them. I my self want a Great Pyrenees as my next dog they are great guard dogs but also will except anything as part of the pack. They are not easy to train and tend to be stubborn.
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The best answer you could possibly get is A) A dog that has been raised around birds since a puppy B) Look into the dogs breed and make sure at no point the breed was bred for ANY kind of hunting, especially avian hunting. Even then, it's never 100% that'll it'll end well.

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