Doesn't like the boyfriend :/


New member
Oct 23, 2012
Chico, CA
Beeker: SI Eclectus,
Kianna: Grn Cheeked Conure
Hey guys, so Beeker our SI ekkie just adores me and pretty much let's me do anything to him, he has never bit me. We have had him for about 2 months now and although he's just peachy with me he cannot stand my boyfriend (and we live together) so Beeker sees him every day. I work from home so Beeker spends more time and sees me more though. When my boyfriend does hold him Beeker literally looks scared and try's to fly to me, even when my boyfriend try's to give him treats he try's to bite him! I try to get the boyfriend to hold him and bond but it's impossible when Beeker always flys to his cage or back to me. What's up with that?!!
:) You've only had him 2 months. If your patience is already wearing thin on this issue, thats the problem. :) :)

Your BF needs to put in a conscious and calm effort ... while not expecting results. AND needs to accept that the bird may never love him and only tolerate his presence. Do you think its possible for your BF to do that? :)

Birds arent like dogs, they are more like people. Your bird probably sees you as his girlfriend or flock member and your boyfriend is not. So, your boyfriend needs to have patience, tolerate the birds resistance and never react in a frustrated manner. Eclectus are very sensitive to those sorts of things and they cant be bullied into liking someone, they need to be slowly wooed LOL You spend more time with the bird so its going to be easier for him to like you :) If the bird wont stay with the BF, the BF needs to stay with the bird. Guys are TERRIBLE for putting in appropriate effort in these circumstances. lol but he needs to do it, or accept that the bird will merely tolerate him and nothing more. I dont see anything wrong with either choice, but he cant put in a half donkey effort and hope the bird will like him, its as likely to make the bird hate him rather than tolerate him at all. Does that make sense? :D
Your bird and bf need some one on one time.. they need to feel each other out IMHO..our sun conure and i, had this issue at first. See, I always have my scarlet or my zon, or our keets near me, so star burst being new, was handled by my wife, and he didn't like me one bit at first.

But after my wife was out of the area, I quickly moved in for the kill so to speak.. it took just a few hours of trust gaining(shared a meal with him) and some mutual respect, and now he will fly to me when I whistle for him :)

Its all about trust and respect :) ^^^^birds are like people :)
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Thanks for your responses :) I am always around when he is trying to bond so maybe me giving them a little space will help! I keep telling him it will take time, this is not my first parrot and the love and joy you get from them is unexplainable and he was so excited to feel that with Beeker so it kind of breaks my heart to see him not having the same bond as I have with Beeker :( he's accepting of it but I can see it hurts him also. I have plenty of patience and I'm sure that's why our parrot was drawn to me from the start...and I think the bf may be a little jealous hehe, hes showing patience I feel like I'm the more worried one for their bond! I continuously tell him to put in more effort and your absolutly right, he can't just expect Beeker to trust him but Beeker always lunges at him whenever he try's anything so he just gives up, I hope all is not lost and he try's to be more positive....we shall c ;) thanks again y'all!

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