Does your macaw make these sounds?


New member
Nov 3, 2013
Zeus - Greenwing
I have seen a lot of macaws make the same sounds, and I was curious if anyone elses make the same as Zeus does.
Here is him saying "dont touch me there please" anytime you touch the tips of his wings or tail.
Its very quiet, turn up your volume

[ame=]Squeak - YouTube[/ame]

He also has a sound that is hilarious when you turn out the lights. I'll record that one tonight.

More to come! :)
that's weird! My macaw makes the first noise when I put on his harness cause he doesn't like it but not the squeak right after that.
Yup! My B&G makes a similar but far louder "please don't!" noise. Sounds rather like a goose honk. It's his "I don't like it" noise, usually reserved for a stranger holding their hand up towards him... For my boy (and from the looks of your video, for yours too) its not an aggressive noise or signal, more a sign of moving *way* out their comfort zone and is usually followed by my boy falling off his perch in panic... :(

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