Does your Amazon like to bluff?


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May 22, 2017
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Hi all I was just wondering if your amazons like to bluff? Mine loves to sometimes give me his leg to step up get the treat then retreat to his branch or give me his leg to step up then deliver a nice bite and laugh at his achievement. Sometimes he likes to say good morning in a cheerful way but behind his good morning hides a nice lunge. He doesn't always deliver a bluff do it but there are times...
As a general rule, amazons don't bluff. Ever. Regardless of what he's saying verbally, the body language is always the focus, and it's painfully accurate once you understand what they're telling you.

My YNA did a similar one with my daughter. She loves the birds, but doesn't speak 'Zon. She put her arm out for a step up. Baxter stepped on with one foot, daughter's sleeve slipped. Baxter's eyes pinned and she nailed my daughter hard. I saw it coming, but it was too fast for me to do anything or warn her. Now she's afraid of her, and Baxter makes it clear she won't be stepping up for someone radiating that vibe. They're so intuitive. They truly see what you feel, usually well before you even realize it.
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Somewhere when doing research on Amazon’s before we decided to get one, I had read that sometimes with some types of parrots the cute things they do like speak or dance we accidentally attach human emotions to and mistakenly interpret it as them trying to entertain us or being happy when really they are trying to communicate fear or stress. That of course depends on the personality of the Amazon as an individual itself since they are all different.
If your Amazon takes a treat and then comes back lunging at you and laughs then maybe he thinks it’s what you want him to do. Like maybe at some point he got a reaction he thought was a good thing and now thinks it’s what you want him to do. Most people I’ve read books by or watched their videos who train birds say not to yell at them for bad behavior because to them they think yelling is a good thing. Although I can’t imagine being bit and calmly reacting to it.

Fortunately we haven’t yet had to deal with bites from our Amazon (as of now) since our birdy boy is only about 6 months old but I have noticed in the 4 months we’ve had him that the most vocal he ever gets is when someone turns on the vacuum and I suspected it was stress reaction and now I know it is for a fact because recently he started to yell “stop” and “turn it down” when we vacuum!

Oh how I love parrot psychology!
My Amazon never bluffs..I know exactly what he wants and how he'll react.Body language is the key! After 31 years with my boy I hope I learned something :-/ Jonesy the Goffin..well he was an entirely different story.

Ditto - Salty does not bluff. If he gives me the signals he does not want to be picked up, or to be left alone, I heed them and don't get bit. Ignore the signs and get nailed! Once you learn the body language, Amazons always telegraph their intentions.
The closest thing I can think of is working with Bingo.
It's not a bluff but a mistake in mindset (mine not the birds).
Bingo will be out of his cage and he can be only 3 feet away and I need to put him back for some reason.
He has his angry face on but is not making a full blown death dance.
I say to myself "it's only 3 feet he will stay calm for a short trip".
He is happy to step up and halfway there his claws ratchet down tight and if I don't give him a magnitude 6.0 earthquake of the hand there will be blood.
The closest thing I can think of is working with Bingo.
It's not a bluff but a mistake in mindset (mine not the birds).
Bingo will be out of his cage and he can be only 3 feet away and I need to put him back for some reason.
He has his angry face on but is not making a full blown death dance.
I say to myself "it's only 3 feet he will stay calm for a short trip".
He is happy to step up and halfway there his claws ratchet down tight and if I don't give him a magnitude 6.0 earthquake of the hand there will be blood.
Magnitude 6 earthquake of the hand really does it... I cant get myself to shake him yet he is much too fast. But the nail gripping I can be more Intune with.
Nope, the only bluffing by Gonzo is eye-pinning and tail fanning. If not sufficiently perceptive to back away, he'll launch into frenzied attack in take-no-prisoners manner! Favorite target for beak is jugular veins!
Learning Amazon Body Language is a REQUIREMENT for a somewhat pain free life with an Amazon!! See the Amazon Sub-Forum and read with UNDERSTANDING the highlighted Thread at or near the top: Understanding Amazon Body Language. NOTE: A fast breeze read will assure you will be bitten and it commonly requires most individuals to read it several times with a re-read every few months to assure it is set in your mind. NOTE: That document sets the foundation of Amazon Body Language as with time, your individual will add additional signs!!

Amazon are prone to experience yearly Hormonal Season, chemically induced Craziness!! They have zero control over when, how much and to what level the flow with occur. Your understanding his /her Body Language become very important to minimize your suffering.

Always assure that your Amazon 'wants to be picked-up!' Just because the foot is raised does not assure he wants to be picked-up!

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