Does my bird need company???


New member
Aug 2, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Vino - Alexandrine, Spot - Congo African Grey
Apparently the Alex that I am adopting used to talk but stopped when the current owners other parrot passed away. I'm not overly fussed if she doesn't talk for me (it would be nice but thats not what I'm adopting her for) but I'm wondering if its a sign that she would be happier with another bird in the house? I'm not ready for a second bird yet but was thinking i might eventually like a blue and gold macaw, which brings me to another question... would the size difference be dangerous for the Alex? Is it ok to have multiple sized parrots in the same house??
Apparently Alex's don't tend to get along with different birds, apart from the odd ring necks and similar Asiatics, so for the purpose of keeping the other parrot company, I don't think it would work with the Alex. All the alex probably needs is lots of love and attention to help him get over the loss of his mate. But if it's your first parrot, the alex would be a great bird to have before getting a macaw

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