Does learning to whistle first make learning to talk more difficult?


New member
Jun 9, 2007
Virginia, USA
A sweet baby TAG named Gunner.
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post, and it's a question that's been nagging me for a while now...

First, some info:
I have a TAG named Gunner who is almost 6 months old (and is absolutely the sweetest thing ever ^__^). I understand that he might not start talking for another 6 months, if ever (I would never love him less if he didn't care to talk) but as of about 2 weeks ago he has started to whistle (mostly the wolf whistle-the one that people always try to teach parrots). He is staying in the pet store that I work at, and is constantly hearing the other birdie residents whistling, along with the customers (even though we try to tell people not to). He whistles when he's very happy, contently about to nod off, or trying to get my attention. I try hard not to respond to the whistling, and I am always talking to him, introducing him to new things by explaining what it is, asking him if he wants something, etc. He also makes clicking noises and is starting to mumble baby jibberish. Another CAG in the store who is 11 doesn't talk at all but whistles and makes other noises all day long. I have heard that when a bird is taught to whistle before he learns to talk, he might not ever care to learn to talk because whistling is just so fun. I haven't come across any articles about this yet, so I don't know how much truth is in this.

So back to my question...
Is this just another myth? To those of you with older greys, did they whistle and make other noises before they started talking? Should I just continue to ignore the whistling in hopes that he'll get tired of it and eventually move on to mimicking words? And lastly, am I worrying too much about it?! :D lol.

Thanks for the help.
Hi and welcome to PF great to have you join our family. I absolutely love Timmies, so I hope you'll be posting lots of pics of your little one. :D I have 2 CAGs one is still a baby of only 5 1/2 months the other is over 2 so lets get down to the whistling versus talking. :D

They will pick up whistling a lot quicker than the talking and while I don't think you should stop whistling to him I would definately do more talking than whistling to him, the whistling comes so easy to them that given the chance that is all he may do. Talking is so important as well to them. Saying that even if you never whistle to him, it doesn't mean that he will become a talker, some do and some don't. Think that really depends on the bird.

When Bucc, my 2 year old, was a baby my husband would whistle to him, he picked that up really easily, but during the day when I was here on my own with him I only ever talked to him, (I can't whistle to save my live :D) Now he will talk up a storm with me, but although he does talk to Andi, (husband) he will tend to whistle to him more.

He is staying in the pet store that I work at,
Does that mean he is staying at the pet store all the time or is he eventually going home with you? I ask for two reasons, firstly I'm really nosey :eek: sorry and secondly as there are so many other birds there he may just get in the habbit of whistling and not bothering to try to talk.

Hope that all makes sense, but its getting late here and I'm getting ready for my bed. Look forward to talking to you some more and hearing all about your Gunner, and seeing pics. PLEASE.
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Thanks for replying so quickly, Peta. I guess I'll just have to wait and see whether he'll learn to talk or not. He definitely has fun whistling, but I will keep on talking to him and urge everyone else to do the same instead of the latter. He'll actually be staying in the store for a few months as we are going to be moving to a new apartment. There's actually only the other grey that constantly whistles, but some of the babies we have are starting to do it too. As I get settled in here, I will definitely begin posting pics; unfortunately most of the ones I have now are on my phone.

I would almost assure you that if he is whistling at 6 months then there will be talking in his future ... the most important thing (as Peta said) is to make sure you are talking to Gunner. Not only just talking to him, but make sure you are talking in context to him. When giving him his favorite food say, "Gunner, do you want some _____ ." while he is eating his favorite food say, "Gunner is that good ______" or "Gunner do you like your ____"

When it comes to thier favorite foods birds will learn quickly if motivated correctly ...
It all depends on the bird, whistling or talking or whistling and talking.
Many opinions may differ, for different reasons.
When I got Mishka, my AG now 2 years old, the breeder (25 years breeding birds) mentioned to me rather talk to the bird not whistling in the beginning. He said some birds continue whistling and not talking.
Where I purchase Mishka's pellets, I mentioned it to the owner (45 years experience)
He told me the it makes no difference ?????
No wonder we are always so confused !!!!
Anyway I stuck to only talking and it has paid off.
Mishka started talking at a very young age.
Mishka is saying almost 300 words. Sentences as well. Recently she has began to make her own sentences using all the words she has learnt.
My whistling is pathetic, I bought her a whistling CD, 6 months ago.
She loves it and whistles along when playing.
My concern is your bird is surrounded by birds whistling most of the day.
Is she trying to "mumble" now, perhaps that's her way of starting to talk.
Hopefully she will start talking soon.
Good luck
Take care
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Mishka is an amazing CAG for talking ability with a guardian who has done all the "right things" to create an environment where she will talk. I am guardian for a TAG named Rosie. She is just over 8 months old now and whistles like a pro. I am in the process now of recording my voice saying hello. I have been saying hello and I love you so much now and she does not speak. Just a really good meow from kitty and the whistles. I am hoping the recording will help her along. In answer to your question only time will tell.

If I could do it over again I would never have whistled for her to hear.

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