Does bitter apple spray work for birds?


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Solomon island female eclectus
Rani(female Ekkie) is in the terrible twos. She wants to be so nosey and be everywhere we are. She comes in my office and remembers that i don't let her touch the mouse. Day later if she sees the door open then she will go shred the cables to pieces :) I don't mind her sitting in my office with me but i need her to stop chewing on stuff lol. Also is knows what she wants, there is a pile of her toys and they all are thrown on the floor. Who plays with toys LOL. Please help!
same with kids, your toys are always better then theres :)

maybe teach her to forage for her treats, so she knows she has to work at it to get fed lol
I've heard about a bitter apple type product for birds. I don't know if it's the same thing as the stuff used for dogs or not, but same function. I've heard it recommended for pluckers and feather shredders, but I don't see why it wouldn't work for mouse shredders also. :)
Why does it seem every bird is determined to eat the computer mouse?! Mine is missing most of the rubber. LOL!

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