Does anyone here have (or had) an Aracari / Toucanet?


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Oct 24, 2014
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I am very seriously considering an Aracari over a Pionus as my first bird (for the important reason that they cannot bite, and I would like to use this bird as part of my avian education with young children) and have done QUITE a bit of reading about them, their diet, their lifestyle, etc.

Just wondering if anyone here (a "parrot" forum :)) has ever had one, and what your experience was.
I know for a fact that SOME aracaris bite... I was close friends with an avian zookeeper near El Paso once...
Also araxaris/toucans/etc., I do believe, are very difficult to care for. Their beaks are very sensitive to nutritional and environmental issues...
Just my two cents.
Good for you, for reaching out!
Glad you found us!
Interesting about the biting. I have read that their bills do not have the ability to crush even a grape, which would be VERY different than my friend's Red-bellied Parrot! I am aware of the iron sensitivities that softbills have.
I guess the bitey ones have a technique of grabbing the prey finger high at the juncture/closure/jaw and ... chomping! Hmmmmm... I have seen at least some of them enjoy grapes.
I hope an expert comes along...
I don't have one or know anyone who does but.

I have seen a picture here on the forum of someone who did have a Toucanet.
They must be one of the most messy birds to be kept indoors and caged. this picture showed poop everywhere but the ceiling.

I don't have one or know anyone who does but.

I have seen a picture here on the forum of someone who did have a Toucanet.
They must be one of the most messy birds to be kept indoors and caged. this picture showed poop everywhere but the ceiling.


I remember that photo also. :eek:
I can see why you would fall in love with an aracari. It's definitely one of my dream birds. But I don't know if that particular dream could ever find a place in reality. They're sweet birds, and very trainable, but my reservations spring from the poop issues Texsize had mentioned. Projectile streams of fecal water are no joke! Hahaha!
The bird supply store I go to (dry goods only, they don't sell birds) has a resident Aracari. It eats mainly dry food (special pellets) while in the store, so he doesn't spackle poo everywhere. Zazu has been in good health for many years that I've seen him (her?). The store owner's partner is an avian vet next door. He has a macaw size cage, and hops all around. I think he makes a noise every once in a while, but I don't recall what it sounds like.
Aracari, Toucans.. any of those guys do better in an Aviary.. they need BIIIG cages and make large messes, and not just with their poo.

They are loving companions and very sweet most times, but they still need quite a bit more care than your average bird. There is no bird that 'doesn't bite' thats just part and parcel of the package.

Birds who are known to be less nippy are Cockatiels, and English Parakeets.

But thats just my two cents.
LOL...yeah, they are MESSY birds from what I've read!

but I don't recall what it sounds like.

They have a cute, quiet wheezy sound or a rattle-purr. :)
They are messy and they do bite. They also do a stabbing motion with that pointy beak and they snap it fairly hard on your fingers. While you can get a dry diet only for them fruit is healthier with an addition of a low iron pellet. They will poop on everything perches, cage, wall, toys, bowls, you, the ceiling somehow, 20ft across the room....they will also fling that fruit around.

Usually there is a sheet of big paper taped on the wall but someone forgot it. It's easier to tape paper on the wall and just change it out than having to scrub the wall all the time.

The shelter has two aracaris, 3 toucans, and 2 other messy ones. They require someone that really really doesn't mind a fruity mess everywhere. And they have to love scrubbing...

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