Do your birds like to look out the window?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
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New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
So there are two windows in the room where my bird hangs out when out of the cage. PS Her daytime cage is by a sliding glass door in another room.

When she is out and about she always prefers to be by this one particular window. It gets the most sunlight so maybe that's it. But when I look out that window I don't see all that much. It's not like there are cars or people going by. What's so interesting for her to watch? I don't know what she sees.
Yes! Oan loves to look out the window and to watch other birds outside. She absolutely loves going in the sunroom with me with the screen doors.
Our Double Yellow-Head Amazon Loves to look-out his areas of glass, which allows him to keep a sharp eye of the many going-on of his Kingdom. Woe-be-it to those critters that enter his domain without prior approval!

He loves the Eastside windows in the morning as he welcomes the Sun, the Southside during the day and of course the Westside as he wishes the Sun a Goodnight!
It's a cat patrol. All birds are linked into the BIRD network (Biological Intelligence Reconnaissance Drone 'network') It's a good thing. It makes it safer for other birds and stimulates them. And some UV light is never bad, for them at least as our parrots are solar powered.
Ralph's cage is across the room from a big sliding glass door and he often sits at the closer end of his cage and watches out the window. Mostly I think he wants to make sure that nobody is trespassing in "his" yard. If he sees anyone or anything he thinks shouldn't be there, they get a grumpy squawk or occasionally a Quaker alarm call. Sometimes he likes to sit on my shoulder right by the window and watch the wild birds that land in the maple tree by the balcony. He doesn't object to their being there.
So there are two windows in the room where my bird hangs out when out of the cage. PS Her daytime cage is by a sliding glass door in another room.

When she is out and about she always prefers to be by this one particular window. It gets the most sunlight so maybe that's it. But when I look out that window I don't see all that much. It's not like there are cars or people going by. What's so interesting for her to watch? I don't know what she sees.
My budgies don't seem to care one bit about looking out the windows. I have lots of nice big windows with nice views and built in shelves for plants and other decor but the never chose to perch there. They don't get scared when they do look outside at the birds coming into our feeders. Nothing seems to spook them. It's good because I have cactus plants on the sill that are prickly and I'd hate for them to get injured. I always supervise closely.

When I take Rocky on long road trips I do make sure she can see out the windows so she doesn't get too bored or car sick.
So there are two windows in the room where my bird hangs out when out of the cage. PS Her daytime cage is by a sliding glass door in another room.

When she is out and about she always prefers to be by this one particular window. It gets the most sunlight so maybe that's it. But when I look out that window I don't see all that much. It's not like there are cars or people going by. What's so interesting for her to watch? I don't know what she sees.
Elvis likes to look at the songbirds, chickens and ducks out of our window. Occasionally, he'll attack it. The other birds care less.
My Cockatiels are a problem with that.
They like to look out the window but are frequently scared by stuff they see (Ravens and feral cats).
Mostly the Tiel cages are covered so only a small area can look out the window.

Bella spends the most amount of time looking out the window.
Bella prefers the bathroom window (both bathrooms).
She can see the neighbors dog and bark at it :ROFLMAO: and she gets a sliver of a view of our street.

The Amazons all use the high window in the dining room.
It is a narrow but wide window that is above a sliding glass door.
The twins can fly over when they want, Bingo has to ask for a lift but he can sit there so long and be so quiet I forget he is out.

And my dream location for my buddy Bingo.
If I am lucky enough to end up living in Oregon.
Bingo would love it but I would cover part of his cage so he did not feel to exposes.

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