Do you clip the wings?


New member
Jun 29, 2012
A pair of cockatiels
And pair of African Greys
So I have my new AG and her wings were clipped when I bought her.
What is your opinion about that? Will it be better to keep her clipped or to let her fly?
That is a very personal thing. Depends on the environment and many other factors. Personally I started off not wanting her clipped. As she learned to fly I realized that I have an area of the house that is dangerous so I had a mild clip done. Initially it prevented her from getting lift but she could still fly. As she has grown stronger she can get a little lift but she stays out of the danger area. Flighted birds from what I have read are less likely to pluck. It is also important to train them to fly to you on command should they ever get out. Also remember that just because a bird is clipped doesn't mean the can't fly under certain conditions (spooked, gust of wind, etc).

I hope this made sense as I have a bad cold and my brain is on hiatus.

I had Scarlet clipped when I first got I
Her, it helped with bonding and training, as well with keeping her safe within her first few months in her new home. Before I had her clipped she was flying into walls and behind the tv. Now she won't leave my side when out of her cage, when her feathers grow back I'm planning on doing some flight training.
But it's totally up to you!
This question has been brought up a couple times before. I'm sure you will find a lot of opinions regarding to clip or not to clip. Personally, I'm against clipping but that is only my opinion. I always say that you can take a parrot out of the nature but you can't take the nature out of the parrot - in this case to be fully flighted :)
My birds are a little flighty, and with our having a small house I opt to clip until we buy a bigger place away from animals and an open concept kitchen/living room.

I look forward to having them fully flighted, but if you find yourself like me, worrying for your bird's safety (especially when they're new and don't know the house), here's some adivice.

When I clip them, I usually have my husband hold them and I hold out the wing and cut just below the line of the secondary feathers from the back. I usually clip 5-8 feathers, bird depending, so that they can glide but not drop and hurt themselves. They can still make it across the room if they're perched high enough, but never above hip height and below. Always cut from the body out, so if they move around they're less likely to get hurt, and try to cut in one smooth motion to keep everything even.

Also, I tend to leave the last two feathers intact. This is asteticly pleasing, and helped protect the interier feathers from damage. From what I can tell, it also helps with her gliding.

Here is my senegal in mid flap with my husband.


Hope this helps!
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I'm also against clipping a bird. Already, we put these birds in cages, now we take flying away from them? Birds are designed to fly and should be able to fly. It is up to you to provide a safe environnement for your bird. i

I have seen a grey that was clipped and the poor thing kept falling like a big rock on the floor every time he tried to fly... I also heard of a story of a clipped bird needing stiches because he fell and had an opened wound close to his cloaque....
When we got our Quaker, her wings were clipped and that helped us with training her and maintaining her in the household. They have recently grown out and she is now able to fly in the house--or was able to until a few hours ago. She flew into the wall and then into the door and I was terrified that she would break her neck so we clipped her tonight. She can still fly, but just can't get up a lot of lift and speed. I am much more comfortable with this, but it is a personal decision for sure. Good luck with whatever you choose.
I dont clip Tookies wings. Even when we do go outside to enjoy a warm day he's too outa shape to fly more than 15 feet at the most. I do worry about his health to a degree being locked up all day while I'm at work and then he sits on the back of my chair at night. Definitely needs more exercise. I put in a workout dvd for him to watch during the day, but its always back on Animal Planet when I get home strangely enough.


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