do they grow out of their growliness?


Active member
Jan 28, 2016
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hi, someone I know needs to rehome a hand-tamed red lored. It's a beautiful bird, six months old, flighted, well-cared for but does have its own mind. when she reaches to pet him when he is on her shoulder or chair, he will growl and basically say no. He doesn't ever bite hard or show aggressiveness but nor is he super affectionate. If he does want to be scritched on the head, it's very much on his own terms. Will that growliness recede and will he grow more affectionate or in general if they are this way at that age, that is the way they are. I'm patient and happy to bide my time and move slowly but I'm just curious if that goes away with time and replaced by behavior that's, I don't know, a bit sweeter.
With some training it does get better and training is more effective at a young age. He will grow out of it as long as you are patient and work with him daily. I rescued my 'zon when he was 13, so I don't have experience with this, but this was the advice I could give you.
He is very young.
the chances of a good relationship is excellent .
just take it slow and don’t force it.
Amazons are pretty flexible and can be worked with at almost any age. But thats the key, working with them every day and being consistent. My little AMazon Salty can be affectionate, when HE feels like it. If I try to force it when he is not in the mood, he politely ( mostly) pushes my hand or finger away (No THanks, human). Learn to read his body language and respect it, and you will have a great relationship with him. Push it and have a good supply of bandaids handy.

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