do male and female parrots talking ability the same?


New member
May 29, 2011
Behave & Buchog (Blue-Nape Parrots)

Prince & Princess (Cockatiels)
i have heard that male parrots has greater ability to talk than that of a female, is that true?

i think i have a female Blue Nape Parrot, this is just a guess based on my observation because mine is smaller, and her beak is lighter in color.

i have two blue napes but since they are already good enough to be separated, i am planning to separate them so that we can teach them tricks and train them how to talk.

some say that female parrots can only do tricks though some can talk, but seldom and the owner must exert more time in training them, unlike male. how true is that?
I've always read, and heard from a breeder that male cockatiels are more likely to talk. I don't know anything else about gender specific talking.
It depends on the type of parrot. Male Budgies and Cockatiels are known for being far better talkers than the females of those types-- but there are exceptions. In most other kinds of parrots, there generally seems to be no significant difference in talking ability between males and females.
willow is a female (conure) and she talks so well and angel my macaw is female and can say quite alot and she is only 11 months.
i dont think it matters what sex they are.
I recall reading in a public survey(from sorry don't have a specific link to it) that owners have seen difference with male and females ability to mimic voices//or talk'' Along with their age. Survey also showed which speies was more prone to mimic/talk.
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The vocal ability between male and female depends on the type of specie they are. Like it's already been mentioned, Cockatiels, finches, etc.

On the bigger birds, it doesn't really matter. My pair of Eclectus, the male is a better talker, the female mumbles and make cooing noise more then anything else. BUT she does talk, but very little. A pair of conures I had years ago, the female was a better talker then the male.
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thank you for the info..

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