New Roomie


Nov 3, 2016
Northern Nevada
Fidget - BFA, Addy - Red Lored
Meet Charlie. :green: His owner of 30 years was having health issues and needed to find him a good home. He has had him since he was 6 mos old. I felt horrible taking him, the man cried as we were loading his cage into my truck. He was well cared for, eats a good diet and look great. His cage is too small for him IMO, but its home, so I plan on leaving him in it for awhile anyway. He hasnt been out of his cage much in recent years from what I've been told and if you leave the cage door open sometimes he will come out, sometimes not. He is also a biter at times. He will take almond slices and birdie cookies from my hand without trying to bite, (through the cage) which I hope will lead to good things.

I want to help him transition as best as I can but I know its going to be hard for him to be removed from his dad of 30 years. What can I do to make it as easy as possible for him?

I have him as far away from Fidget as I can in a small apt, but they can hear each other. They both seem interested in who they hear chatting but cant see. :)

Does having two birds officially make me a crazy bird lady now? :D


I hope Charlie settles in nicely. I don't think the number of birds is what makes you a crazy bird lady but rather how crazy you are about your birds. I've definitely gone off the deep end for my birds and my attention and love for them is certifiable at this point...
Your not crazy.....I've had several indoor parrots at one time. (not now) It just takes extra work and each will need their own attention. I must be the crazy one..I have 1 parrot, 6 peacocks, and more chickens than I wish to count. Also have had pheasants including one that lived in the house..... Enjoy your new roomie!
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Good to know! (although many would disagree with you! LOL) Although I am pretty crazy about them!

Hes doing really well. Hes learning to step up on a perch which is great! (with lots of pine net encouragement!) Hes being a bit more animated and talking to me more. He and Fidget seem to be getting along fine although they are close, but not sharing playstands yet. He is playing with toys some which he didnt do at his previous home. And I am letting him out on top of his cage when I am home that he seems to be enojyingn. There is a health issue that I am working on getting looked at but overall, hes doing great!
Thank you so much for taking Charlie into your home and heart! :D It sounds to me that Chaz is settling in nicely already..I feel for the poor guy who had to give him up. I'm 62 and Amy has been with me almost thirty years and I have some health issues also and sometimes my mind wamders about the "what if's"..and that too makes me very sad..who will take her? Is she going to be put in a sanctuary?? Will someone take her out for rides in the car?? The list goes on and on!

Thank you again for taking him in...when the time comes,I pray someone like you will open their heart to my little green dinosaur! :eek:


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