

New member
Jul 19, 2011
Lake Co., Florida
Princess Rome- Moluccan Cockatoo (18yrs old), Rosie - Galah/Rose Breasted Cockatoo (2yr old)
So I left Friday morning to go to Miami to visit family and I got back this afternoon. I'm super happy with our new addition. However, apparently Rome was not happy that I was gone. I debated taking her with me but thought she would be fine since it was such a short trip. We've been weaning her off of her meds and her collar has been off for weeks. In my absence she has plucked a few feathers and has a small scabbed area. I'm so frustrated :(. We have come so far and its like we're back where we started from. I just want to cry.

Tonight I increased her meds to what they originally were. I didn't put her collar back on. Im on the fence about placing it back on. On one hand I feel like I should and on the other it kills me to see her in it. I'm up in arms about the whole thing. I feel like it was my fault, I feel like I let her down somehow. I hate how it makes me feel, more than that though is the frustration of it all.

I am by no means giving up on her but just needed a place to vent and cry about it.
Its just a small step back :)

You have been moving forward for so long, moving forward again will be easier this time around. I understand how you feel though, we had to leave Mana for Christmas to see family, we were only gone for the day but it still made an impact. Nothing as serious as mutilating but its still hard not to feel guilty.
I don't know anything about pluckers/mutilators but she has had the collar off for a while now, I would leave it off and give her a bit of a chance, now that you are back. Like I said before, the way forward will probably be faster this time she may be over her plucking in a matter of days?

Don't beat yourself up, you dedicate so much of yourself to her you definitely deserved a little time off. It may have meant a little step back but I hope you find in the end she recovers faster this time around. It may even be a good learning experience for her... you came back after all.
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Its just a small step back :)

You have been moving forward for so long, moving forward again will be easier this time around. I understand how you feel though, we had to leave Mana for Christmas to see family, we were only gone for the day but it still made an impact. Nothing as serious as mutilating but its still hard not to feel guilty.
I don't know anything about pluckers/mutilators but she has had the collar off for a while now, I would leave it off and give her a bit of a chance, now that you are back. Like I said before, the way forward will probably be faster this time she may be over her plucking in a matter of days?

Don't beat yourself up, you dedicate so much of yourself to her you definitely deserved a little time off. It may have meant a little step back but I hope you find in the end she recovers faster this time around. It may even be a good learning experience for her... you came back after all.

Thanks, that helps :)
With rescue birds, it isn't always "full steam ahead", and when she falls back on bad habits, you just have to continue positive reinforcements/distractions. Don't be discouraged, just continue working with her from whatever point in her recovery she's regressed to. Remember, 2 steps forward and one step back is still a step ahead of where you were to begin with. A parrot with severe behavioral problems didn't reach that point overnight, nor are they going to recover overnight. When we first got Kiwi, he had never been handled, and had lived in a small dog carrier for 10 years (yes a dog carrier, no perches, no toys, terrible nutrition, it was awful). It was SO frustrating in the beginning trying to teach him to step up or discourage his inappropriate vocalizations/behaviors. One day, he would step up without fear/biting, seem intrigued/trusting of us and make appropriate noises. Then the next day he was like a wild animal again- screeching, biting, flying to the back of his cage in fear when we came near him. It was very difficult to see and try to understand where the poor little guy was coming from when he seemed to just forget at random the trusting relationship we worked so hard to build with him. Its been 5 years, and while he's generally up to par with other birds behaviorally, he still has off days where he isn't very nice or trusting. I can't imagine how terrible your sweet little girl mustve had it to become a plucker. That certainly indicates years of neglect and broken trust in humans, is it really any wonder that after only a short time with you she's having some "slip ups"? Fortunately, Kiwi wasn't ever a plucker, but I've heard it's the most difficult behavioral problem to overcome that a parrot can have. It's going to be a long road for you and her, but I'm confident you can help her work through it, and that she is very grateful for the love and care she is now receiving. Keep up your good work with her, and don't ever give up. One day, she will be free of her problems and a happy, loving, loved, beautifully (fully) feathered lady.

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