Dinner Table center piece for bird owner's..LOL!


New member
Dec 11, 2011
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Bastrop, TX
Quincy-Sun Conure
New playgym I built for my Conure! Still have to attach eye hooks for toys etc.! I used a piece of ceramic/clay tile for the base - glued to a piece of 1/2" plywood!

Put toys on it last night and she played on it for 10 minutes and decided I am a better playgym!!! :09:
ok i am stooopid......cannot seem to figure out how to post pic. I click on image and it asks for url.....the pic i was to post is in a folder on my desktop...help. Centerpiece.webp
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all I can tell you is when I uploaded mine I used the attachments icon at the top and uploaded them from my computer. Good luck!
Thanks.....went back and it worked....kind of a long way to attach a pic from your computer!
That's a nice little table top stand. I would like one around that size.
That is very nice. Great place to put it so the birds get a great view of your dinner :P
I think its awesome, I wish I was that handy!
I want one! It looks great!
omg thats brill!! and you could have it as a table center lol

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