Differences between Jardine's Parrot and Green Cheek Conure


New member
Jun 23, 2008
I am a proud owner of a 1 year old cockatiel named Peeko and I have been looking into getting another parrot.

There are a few breeders in my area, and I have narrowed my selection down to either a Jardine's parrot or a Cinnamon Green Cheek conure.

I've seen both birds types of birds and am waiting for a call from both breeders when the adults have chicks.

Other than price, what are the differences and similarities between these two birds? Any information would be appreciated.

They are described online and in nearly every book I read as having quite similar personalities. The only main difference I have read is the Jardine's is a little more independent and the Green Cheek is a little more "clingy", meaning they always want you.
I don't know much about the two, but we do have a couple of green cheek owners that I'm sure will give you some insight into them. I don't think we have anyone here with Jardines.
Actually, I previously had a green-cheeked conure and currently have a Jardine's. Both are excellent parrots and now that you mention it, they actually are very similar. My Jardine's is probably a bit quieter (although neither are loud) and a better talker than the green cheek. Both were very affectionate, but I'd say my Jardine's is more so (loves hugs and kisses). Both were pretty "clingy" and neither were very big on playing with anything except "mommy." I'd recommend either of them . . .
I am a proud owner of a 1 year old cockatiel named Peeko and I have been looking into getting another parrot.

There are a few breeders in my area, and I have narrowed my selection down to either a Jardine's parrot or a Cinnamon Green Cheek conure.

I've seen both birds types of birds and am waiting for a call from both breeders when the adults have chicks.

Other than price, what are the differences and similarities between these two birds? Any information would be appreciated.

They are described online and in nearly every book I read as having quite similar personalities. The only main difference I have read is the Jardine's is a little more independent and the Green Cheek is a little more "clingy", meaning they always want you.
Hi there. Which bird did you land up taking and how has your experience been? I’m days away from getting a black winged Jardine and hoping I’ve made the right choice for our family, 2 children aged 7 and 2. Thank you.
Hi there. Which bird did you land up taking and how has your experience been? I’m days away from getting a black winged Jardine and hoping I’ve made the right choice for our family, 2 children aged 7 and 2. Thank you.
Welcome! :) Please bear in mind that the OP only has the one post, and hasn't logged on in 15 years. Chances of a reply are slim at best. You may want to start your own thread to ask a question, and hopefully get some helpful responses.

I have zero experience with Jardines, so best I can offer is that each parrot is an individual, so general traits of any particular species may or may not apply to your case. Please keep us updated on your new arrival :)

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